NS 724 & 725?

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NS 724 & 725?

Unread post by Agrotred40 »

So there is a unit coal trains(which in my opinion is notorious for having heritage units) that drops of coal in Carrollton, GA at the Wansley Power Plant(724) and taken back up north(725)through the NS Crescent Corridor(where I've caught it in Tennessee). However there is no sign of where it gets the coal and where those coal trains go. (Note NS 724 & 725 are not listed in the wiki site)
Note if anyone knows or can find out where NS 724 & 725 run between(aside from Carrolton, GA). You could be doing quite a few favors because everyone I asked doesn't know the destination of NS 725 and origin of 724.

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Re: NS 724 & 725?

Unread post by Y@ »

It's a super top secret government move dealing with aliens.
Bottom text.

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Re: NS 724 & 725?

Unread post by Agrotred40 »

Y@ wrote:It's a super top secret government move dealing with aliens.
If I believed that I wouldn't be asking.
Try again. No sarcasm.
It's only a move between a power plant and a mine.

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Re: NS 724 & 725?

Unread post by legostudios34 »

Most of the time Wansley is getting coal from Southern Illinois on train 600 now, but when 724 runs, it normally comes from West Virginia. I'm not 100% certain, but I think I have heard that it comes from Williamson, WV in the past.
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Re: NS 724 & 725?

Unread post by Agrotred40 »

Hmmmmm... Yeah, that fits. Thanks a bunch. Now since I can't edit in RRfan Wiki someone should add 724 & 725(if those are the right locations).

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