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NS Starts new steam program!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 3:49 pm
by MDH
Right from the source: ... again.html

WOW! :shock: :D


Can't wait to see where this goes!

Re: NS Starts new steam program!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 3:54 pm
by sd70accsxt700
Nice, I realy am excited. Hopefully this leads to bigger things. With the fact that, it is going to be a 2-8-2 and two 2-8-0's, I dont think they will venture very far from TN, KY, ect. Hopefully bigger things in the form of a 4-8-4, will come.

Re: NS Starts new steam program!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:34 pm
by SD80MAC
Ok NS, now remember that N&W 611 you've got sitting down there?

Re: NS Starts new steam program!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 9:04 pm
by TrainWatcher
Well thats a BIG THUMB's UP to Wick Morrman and the NS Gang! Can't wait to see Southern 4501 back on the road again since its last appearence in the movie "October Sky".

Jon, with regards to NW 611 and NW 1218, we'll be lucky. But, lets give Wick and the Boys a chance to get the NS 2010 Steam Program up and running!

Re: NS Starts new steam program!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 9:55 pm
by bdconrail29
That's pretty cool news. I rode the J611 back in 1992 from Bellevue to Ironton and back. That was amazing.

Re: NS Starts new steam program!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 10:12 pm
by Shorthaul
Does NS fund this program out-of pocket? I see absolutely NO reason to do something like this. Spend money advertising your railroad as a polluting relic of the past? I may be the only person NOT for this, and against steam in general. In my opinion, steam engines are good for only one thing, and that's recycled iron and steel to make rails, railroad cars, and locomotives. Yeah, that's right, I'm a Steam Hater. Put it under my avatar picture if you want.

Re: NS Starts new steam program!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 10:21 pm
by SD80MAC
bnsfMAN93 wrote:Does NS fund this program out-of pocket? I see absolutely NO reason to do something like this. Spend money advertising your railroad as a polluting relic of the past? I may be the only person NOT for this, and against steam in general. In my opinion, steam engines are good for only one thing, and that's recycled iron and steel to make rails, railroad cars, and locomotives. Yeah, that's right, I'm a Steam Hater. Put it under my avatar picture if you want.
Dude, Seth, take a chill pill. A railroad can be forward thinking and on the leading edge of technology, and they should be, but what also really attracts attention is a strong sense of history and heritage. Special trains, wether they be a private passenger train, vintage diesels or steam engines, are great public and business relations tools.

Re: NS Starts new steam program!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 11:39 pm
by conrailmike
bnsfMAN93 wrote:Does NS fund this program out-of pocket? I see absolutely NO reason to do something like this. Spend money advertising your railroad as a polluting relic of the past? I may be the only person NOT for this, and against steam in general. In my opinion, steam engines are good for only one thing, and that's recycled iron and steel to make rails, railroad cars, and locomotives. Yeah, that's right, I'm a Steam Hater. Put it under my avatar picture if you want.
Polluting relic? Really? All a steam program can do is HELP a railroad's public image.

Re: NS Starts new steam program!!!

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 12:35 am
by Steel Inferno
bnsfMAN93 wrote:Does NS fund this program out-of pocket? I see absolutely NO reason to do something like this. Spend money advertising your railroad as a polluting relic of the past? I may be the only person NOT for this, and against steam in general. In my opinion, steam engines are good for only one thing, and that's recycled iron and steel to make rails, railroad cars, and locomotives. Yeah, that's right, I'm a Steam Hater. Put it under my avatar picture if you want.
Polluting relics??? :shock: What are you. A tree hugger! Yikes!

Re: NS Starts new steam program!!!

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 12:59 am
by Shorthaul
Steel Inferno wrote: Polluting relics??? :shock: What are you. A tree hugger! Yikes!
No, I'm not. I'm merely saying that for NS to bill rail as a "green" mode of transportation, than to put steam locomotives (admit it, not "green") at the front of their PR scheme sure sends a mixed message, right?

Re: NS Starts new steam program!!!

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 8:06 am
by sd70accsxt700
Seth you dont know squat about steam do you? Its ok, not taking a jab at you, just what I see. It's like family pride. Do you denounce your great grandpa because he could not live to be as old as you because it was 50 years ago? Just a therotical question, like I said not trying to sound like a ass, just asking a question.

Re: NS Starts new steam program!!!

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:56 am
by Norm
Steam was, and still is, part of our history. It should be remembered because it's part of how we got where we are today.

Re: NS Starts new steam program!!!

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:59 am
by Shorthaul
sd70accsxt700 wrote:Seth you dont know squat about steam do you? Its ok, not taking a jab at you, just what I see. It's like family pride.
You couldn't be more correct, I don't know (or care) about steam locomotives at all. To me, they are not any more (and probably less) interesting technologically than any diesel locomotive. If I could choose between seeing a steam engine and a brand new diesel that I had never seen before, I would pick the diesel hands down. I am interested in trains due to their power, efficiency and technology that makes them the transportation mode of the future.
Do you denounce your great grandpa because he could not live to be as old as you because it was 50 years ago? Just a therotical question, like I said not trying to sound like a ass, just asking a question.
This comparison is (IMO) loaded, because it compares machines to humans. If I were to say "yes, I denounce things of the past," than it would make me seem like an irrational person, because I would be saying that I denounce my great grandfather. Machines and humans are two different things, because humans feel emotions, so it is very wrong to get rid of them when they become "obsolete," but that is the standard procedure with machines. So no, I do not denounce my great grandfather in any way, but I do denounce obsolete machines that cost the railroads money and give them a bad image.

You did not sound like an ass at all.

Re: NS Starts new steam program!!!

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 1:23 pm
by MDH
bnsfMAN93 wrote:So no, I do not denounce my great grandfather in any way, but I do denounce obsolete machines that cost the railroads money and give them a bad image.
Seth, Seth, Seth...

Let's try this a different way then. Do you like going to museums like the Smithsonian in Washington or any other one for that matter? Do you care at all about the history of human civilization or is that all "old news" that doesn't matter any more?

Steam engines are like live, rolling museums that give a living, breathing window back to our not so distant past and can be great for educational and yes, even public relations uses. Nobody is saying "bring back mainline steam for revenue service" (well, nobody rational at least! :lol: ) but preserving and operating steam engines preserves our cultural history and is a fun and impressive way to remind people of our past. From a corporate / PR standpoint you could produce a wonderful show/display of this is where we came from and look how far we've progressed! (with steamers & modern diesels/gensets in the same venue) that will more powerfully emphasize how efficient, progressive and "green" today's railroads are than just showing up with a diesel.

You're certainly entitled to your views but for the sake of our history I'm glad many others are in my camp on this issue. (*disclaimer - one of my college degrees was History with a focus on the history of science & technology)


Boy I'm glad I can go see such obsolete technology as the "Wright Flyer" that should have been discarded for scrapwood by that bike shop years ago...

Re: NS Starts new steam program!!!

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 4:22 pm
by TrainWatcher
As I side note Mike, I'm going to Kill Devil Hills, NC actually this weekend ;)

But back on topic,

I think for Wick Moorman to do this is quite spectacular. Not to mention, it gives the Union Pacific Steam Program a challenger (No Pun Intended). UP has been in the front running of Steam Excursions since NS and CSX (really Chessie, with ex-RDG T1 4101, and C&O 614) both closed their programs. Now, also think about it, what was the one thing that has happened this past year that went exceedingly well for the NS as far as Steam wise? Why none other than NKP 765's trek to Trainfest! NS had a chance to see weather or not Steam could work in their "Corporate Image", and by all accounts, all of us who hung around, did not trespass, and behaved ourselves while the NS transported 765, probably had a good lean FOR re-opening the NS Steam Program. NS saw, that when they brought back steam, they brought back people who thought their childhood memories now remained either Out West, or in a museum collecting dust.

Also, if this project works with NS/TVRM the museum might get more attention, as well as needed funding! I see the dowside as they again assume the liability, but like its been stated before if they started in KY ot TN with excurisons and then broadened their horizions, it might be a really good thing. And who's to say when NS gets back full steam, their might be a few changes at other railroads, POSSIBLY, and I'm going to use that as loosely as possible, CSX? We'll have to wait and see.

Re: NS Starts new steam program!!!

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 4:50 pm
by GLC 392
Just saw this Pretty freaking sweet in my opinion! Seth if you don't like steam you don't have to read this subject or post in save us the hassles with negative post, James on your comment about the 611 you do know it wouldn't take much(even though anything having to to with work on steamers isn't a small task) to get it back up and running right?

Re: NS Starts new steam program!!!

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 6:15 pm
by Shorthaul
MDH wrote: From a corporate / PR standpoint you could produce a wonderful show/display of this is where we came from and look how far we've progressed! (with steamers & modern diesels/gensets in the same venue) that will more powerfully emphasize how efficient, progressive and "green" today's railroads are than just showing up with a diesel.
Ok. If the NS makes an honest effort to show the efficiencies of modern railroading, than I won't care about the steam, but I'm pretty sure that the focus will always be on the steam power. Just like trainfest, the steam engines will be what everybody focuses on, and what the media reports. IIRC, there was an amtrak P42DC at Owosso, and I'm guessing that it didn't get very much attention. This trend is reflected at my school. When people found out that I liked trains, the majority of them referenced steam locomotives in some way, and only one person was aware of the efficiencies of rail. It is obviously different on this site, but the "general public" does not have the time to really research rail, and will go by what they see first. If this program puts steam into the eye of the public, than the public will equate railroads to steam, not to modern, computerized, efficient, AC locomotives. I know its just my opinion, but I think that NS could spend PR money like this in better ways, such as running a special train (with the latest, most efficient and futuristic locomotives and cars) that exhibits the environmental, social and industrial benefits of railroad transportation, and the latest technology that the railroads use. This would be more beneficial, and cheaper. They could run automobile driving simulations of Interstate 81 traffic with and without the Crescent corridor, exhibit the efficiency of rail, and so on and so forth. Just my two cents. Do you see Southwest Airlines preserving aircraft?
GLC 392 wrote:Seth if you don't like steam you don't have to read this subject or post in save us the hassles with negative post
So I can't state my take on things? Isn't that part of what boards are about?

Re: NS Starts new steam program!!!

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 6:22 pm
by GLC 392
nope not for you.

Re: NS Starts new steam program!!!

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:11 pm
by TrainWatcher
Nevets I'm really referancing all the non-steamed up movements NW 611 has been doing in the last few years. Unlike NW 1218 she must be in a more 'complete' state in order to move a good distance. I mean yes she would need work, what that exactly needs, I haven't a clue. But, In my opinion, there is a better chance of seeing 611 getting back to duty versus 1218.

Re: NS Starts new steam program!!!

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:18 pm
by Y@
TrainWatcher wrote:Nevets I'm really referancing all the non-steamed up movements NW 611 has been doing in the last few years. Unlike NW 1218 she must be in a more 'complete' state in order to move a good distance. I mean yes she would need work, what that exactly needs, I haven't a clue. But, In my opinion, there is a better chance of seeing 611 getting back to duty versus 1218.
I think we should all stop speculating and just sit back and watch it happen. No need to get worked up.