GLC/TSBY Line Audio Traffic?

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GLC/TSBY Line Audio Traffic?

Unread post by centralsteam »

Quick question about the GLC (former TSBY) line running from Owosso up to Cadillac (and beyond). I'm currently finishing up undergrad work at CMU, and was curious if anyone follows the traffic running through Mount Pleasant (I'm considering buying a scanner so I can know when the trains are going through, but because of the low traffic I'm debating if its worthwhile). The main thing I'm interested in is defect detectors. In all my scouring of this forum I haven't been able to find any definitive list of detectors up this way. If anyone does follow the GLC, would it be worth my while in getting a scanner?

Thanks in advance for any answers! Been really enjoying all the information that is on this forum, Cheers!

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Re: GLC/TSBY Line Audio Traffic?

Unread post by SD80MAC »

Does GLC even have a defect detector?
"Remember, 4 mph is a couple, 5's a collision!" ... teresting/

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Re: GLC/TSBY Line Audio Traffic?

Unread post by TrainWatcher »

I want to say they don't. Everytime I have ever railfanned the GLC (for the 1225 excursions) you never need a radio, its pretty planned route and you can beat them to almost every crossing. But I have never heard a DD.

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Re: GLC/TSBY Line Audio Traffic?

Unread post by cbehr91 »

Shortlines like that will likely only use the radios for road switching.

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Re: GLC/TSBY Line Audio Traffic?

Unread post by centralsteam »

Hmm, seems my fears may be true, I was starting to think they might not. Guess I'll have to wait till I move to Chicago for some more exciting action. :)

Thanks for the replies!

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