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Gary Hoover Does it Again

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 7:24 pm
by TrainWatcher
I read his article on his modeling representation of San Bernadino, CA where the ATSF main west coast shops were in this months issue of MR. He has a great layout design going from Chicago to now San Bernadino. (See "Modeling the Railroads of the 1950's" from Kalmbach)

I am planning almost the exact same type of layout, execpt I would like to have Santa Fe as the primary tenent of the major station, and may include a few eastern roads, but what to be primarily Santa Fe. I also am looking at a few track plans from Linn Westcotts "101 Track Plans",a nd possibily taking a the "Golden Key Route" layout and making it into my "Downtown" area....

My layout is still in development, however I do like Mr. Hoovers San Bernadino section and may have to incorperate a like section to my layout plan....