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Re: warning: don't film by the Lima tank plant

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 7:25 am
by alittlevanwerty
The first was a park ranger, then 2 US army cops and another park ranger. Yes I don't know my rights completely so I did let the cammander review my shots. Public park correct, how the heck could the say I was trespassing? I am positive I was off RR property though, really don't want to aggervate any of the railroads I regularly film. I don't think any of them were rent a cops but not positive on that.

Re: warning: don't film by the Lima tank plant

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 8:47 am
by GenXRailMedia ... F2xq42PW68

This is where you were? So much for having "freedom". If you weren't illegally parked and you were on public (that you as a taxpayer likely helped fund) property, then they have no leg to stand on. I don't care if it was Obama that showed up at the scene, no one touches my camera without a warrant or probable cause. My biggest argument against this harassment of photogs is that you can see far more on Bing and Google Earth.

Re: warning: don't film by the Lima tank plant

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 11:13 am
by AC60CW
MagnumForce wrote:They have no right to see your camera or see you id, be polite but ask them some simple questions. If they detain you, hello ACLU. They were in every way wrong in that video, number one you were at what for all intents and purposes is a public park and therefore anything and everything is open game. Let them try to detain you all they want but ask if you are parked illegally, if where you are standing is illegal, if filming things from a public area is illegal (if they say yes then you have them) do not under any circumstances allow them to see your camera, they cannot take it from you without a warrant. Was the person a real bonded officer or simply a rent a cop? Rent a cops are clueless and not even worthy of your time and have no right to ask you a thing on public property.

Thanks Brent, I was waiting for you to link that. I knew you have it bookmarked pretty much.

Re: warning: don't film by the Lima tank plant

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 11:42 am
by alittlevanwerty
I will be printing out a copy of that.

Re: warning: don't film by the Lima tank plant

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 4:06 pm
by Typhoon
GenXRailMedia wrote: My biggest argument against this harassment of photogs is that you can see far more on Bing and Google Earth.
Please, please, don't use that argument, it is a fail. If someone is really taking pictures while doing surveillance Google Earth will give none of the information they are looking for. They are looking for the security guards patrol routes, if they have specific habits that they fall into or they are random. They are looking for escape routes in the fences and any culverts that might be present. They are looking at sight lines from any towers or cameras. Last I checked neither Google Earth or Bing will give you none of that information.

Re: warning: don't film by the Lima tank plant

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 7:25 pm
by alittlevanwerty
I could have messed with them and said I was checking their response time!