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Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 3:53 pm
by swc
Was wondering if you can get any good pictures of the engines at NREX and if the D&H engine is still that's what I really what good photos of?

Re: silvis,illinois

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 6:22 am
by MP73point4
Not many good pictures to be had. If you're quick and sneaky you can probably get a few pictures of things on the ouside of the yard or very near the roads. A very long telephoto would be helpful. It is private property and access is quite difficult. If you go wandering around, you risk arrest (and it won't take long). You may get shots of things coming or going from public property nearby, but that would be hit or miss.

Re: silvis,illinois

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 4:10 pm
by MDH
There's a public access road down to the IAIS yard and the east end of NRE - as long as you stay on the road and don't try to go through the gates you can legally shoot from out there and the most that security can do is tell you to leave or don't trespass or whatever. It's not *that* unusual that people are down there taking pictures and as long as you stay on the public access road you should be fine (at least I've never had problems the couple times I've been there). A long lens helps - but basically you "get whatever you get". If you're looking for good shots of a specific unit, your odds are pretty slim.


Sad times for the Superfleet by Michael D Harding, on Flickr