Blue Water and Pere Marquette trains will end on August 10th

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Blue Water and Pere Marquette trains will end on August 10th

Unread post by ~Z~ »

Gregg has asked me to post this..he's having some IP address routing issues accessing this site at the moment..trying to help him resolve this.

Posted by Matt Marderosian on November 6, 2005, 11:22:57

The Blue Water and Pere Marquette trains will end on August 10th 2006
unless we can persuade 1 person to put the $1 million back into the budget
for Amtrak,Which would have to come from supplemental money.

The person we need to go after is Shirley Johnson she is the only person
that can try to do this everyone else below her is a minority.

If Michigan Passengers do not want to lose these 2 trains then we need to
make a big deal out of this and start contacting Shirley Johnson right now
by e mail & phone.

Other wise the Blue Water and Pere Marquette trains will end on August 10th

Shirley Johnson
Republican of District 13
Office Phone: (517) 373-2523
Office Location: S-324 Capitol
E-mail Address:

Matt Marderosian
Director Of Save Our Trains Michigan/Mississippi <> <>
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Trains ?

Unread post by cmgnnut »

Come on now we all want to help but really that is almost a year away and do you think that they will keep this on the front shelf till then. Our elected people have alot to do between now and then and if I remember right these are state sub trains and the Gov has said no before to them so unless I missed something will this really help ? I don't understand.....

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Re: Trains ?

Unread post by ~Z~ »

cmgnnut wrote:Come on now we all want to help but really that is almost a year away and do you think that they will keep this on the front shelf till then. Our elected people have alot to do between now and then and if I remember right these are state sub trains and the Gov has said no before to them so unless I missed something will this really help ? I don't understand.....
i'm just posting this on Gregg's behalf..the opinions posted do not necessarily reflect mine :) And yes, i thought the same thing about it being a year away.
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Unread post by patrick »

Yes I do think that they will keep this on the front shelf if we force them to. These trains are vital to the people of Michigan, and if we were to lose them it would be a huge set back to the state. These trains bring in people from all across the country for all sorts of reasons and as of late have seen a huge increase in ridership which is a very positive thing. For you to think that its too early to fight to keep these trains is cause enough to make me wonder if you would fight to keep them at all. This is something we must force our Michigan Politicans to face now rather than later. Later may come and it'll be to late.

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Passenger train

Unread post by cmgnnut »

Well after reading the information on the link you'll see that the info is not all correct that was sent to be posted.#1 the date is wrong #2 the money is a prize to Amtrak IF they relocate Beech Grove to Mi and #3 the time frame is in the next budget year not this years. Now compare the price from Grand Rapids to Chicago and from say Detroit to Chicago or how about Ann Arbor to Chicago and see what the different rates are. Much cheaper to go from the western side to Chicago. Amtrak does a good job marketing over there but for the rest of Mi we are left out I feel. When the budget talks start I'll be sure to voice my opinion even though it won't be much help as the state is facing hard times all over

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Unread post by patrick »

Which link are you referring to?

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Unread post by cmgnnut »

click on link then click on the home update and read down about 3-4 articles is where it tells of the Beech Grove deal etc.....

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Unread post by ~Z~ »

he's talking about the link on this site:
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Unread post by OwlCaboose2853 »

My member of GLBLRRDC, President sent e-mail FYI to us. He received a letter from Sen. Shirley Johnson.

November 8, 2005

Dear Mr. XXXX:

The transportation budget was especially difficult this fiscal year.
As you know, we had to make significant reductions all across the board,
Amtrak included. Last year Amtrak received $7.1 million from the State
to reduce the costs of tickets for passengers. As of right now, Amtrak
will receive $6.1 million from the State; however, Amtrak has the
opportunity to receive the $1 million that currently is not provided.

Amtrak, Congressman Joe Schwarz, and the Michigan Department of
Transportation have all informed me that hundreds of new jobs would
be created if a maintenance facility which is currently located in Indiana
decides to relocate to Michigan. As you know, job creation is a priority in
Michigan right now. Therefore, I have committed to appropriating $1
million more to Amtrak if they indeed are able to bring the promised jobs
to Michigan. Additionally, I would do my best to find other funding to
assist in promoting Amtrak, and creating jobs in the State.

I would also like to take this opportunity to provide important data
regarding Amtrak. From 1999 to 2003, rider-ship dropped by 17%. At the
same time, the State increased the subsidy to Amtrak by 168%. Since
then, the subsidy has increased even more. Though rider-ship is
beginning to increase again, for the past seven years there has been no
correlation between the amount of the subsidy and rider-ship.

Should Amtrak fail to bring jobs to Michigan, then their funding cut of
$1 million will be maintained. However, I do not foresee this cut
resulting in a significant reduction to the Grand Rapids-Chicago line. In
the past, of the $7.1 million allocated to Amtrak, only $2.4 million
has been used for this particular line with the remaining $4.7 million
having been used for the Port Huron-Chicago line. I doubt a
disproportionate reduction which would severely affect the Grand Rapids-
Chicago line would occur.

I should also note that if we did not make this necessary reduction to
Amtrak, the only other available programs to cut would have been bus
services. Studies have shown that bus passengers have a significantly
lower household income and own fewer automobiles than rail passengers;
and that rail passengers are generally riders by choice with an option to
drive more commonly available. It is also interesting to note that
median household income for rail and bus passengers differ radically,
with rail passengers' income generally two to three times that of their bus

Considering that bus service in Michigan is primarily used by Senior
Citizens, those with disabilities, and the economically disadvantaged; I
did not feel that it would have been appropriate to significantly
reduce necessary funding for what often amounts to their only form of
transportation for the benefit of Amtrak.


Shirley Johnson
State Senator
13th District

SJ: dp

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Unread post by BNSF 1088 »

The reason for the hurry is a Bill has to be drawn up to try to get the 1 million from left over supplemental money.Shirley Johnson will stop all Bill's from being passed in the Senate at this time so we need to put a lot of pressure on her right now and just mabey she will break or some other senators will stand up to her.
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Unread post by BNSF 1088 »

Here is a petition to sighn to try to Save the Blue Water and Pere Marquette trains.
Director of Save Our Trains Michigan

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Unread post by BNSF 1088 »

Here is a letter my Mom wrote to Sen Johnson.

Dear Senator Johnson,

I am writing to you as a citizen of Michigan concerned about the erosion of funding for alternative means of public transportation available to those in areas not convenient to airports, those without automobiles, the disabled, those who do not wish to travel on clogged highways that are in disrepair, and those citizens who do not wish to tackle treacherous winter driving conditions, which as you know lasts for many months here in Michigan. I am referring specifically to the funding for the Blue Water and Pere Marquette Amtrak lines that are proposed to be funded at $6.1 million dollars, which amounts to a short fall of $1 million dollars needed to keep these two lines in operation.
Certainly, as the chairperson of the Senate Appropriations Committee you are concerned with fiscal situation that Michigan is facing at this time, which is significant. The Blue Water and Pere Marquette Amtrak lines are solely dependent on the state to provide funding for its continuation, unlike the Amtrak line which runs through your district, and receives funding from federal government. Public rail transportation is an important, viable alternative to other means of transportation and is safe, economical, and efficient. The ridership on both of these lines have increased substantially, and more people are turning to rail travel in light of increased gasoline costs, and the ease and worry free mode of travel it provides. In my area of East Lansing/Lansing, the Blue Water line provides much needed transportation for students at MSU, as well as students at WMU and Kalamazoo College in Kalamazoo, and residents along the route of this line. The Pere Marquette line serves western Michigan, and provides much needed transportation to citizens in this area as well as to the university students of Grand Valley State, Hope College, Calvin College and Aquainis College. Rail travel is much less costly than airline travel and more convenient for many citizens in areas served by the Blue Water and Pere Marquette lines. The Blue Water line runs from the Canadian border in Port Huron to Chicago, and is a life line to many residents along its route. My family frequently takes the train to Chicago to visit our son who lives there. It is hassle free travel, relaxing, less expensive than driving, and much more convenient and less time consuming than traveling by bus. When we reach our destination we don't worry about parking our car and paying costly parking fees in Chicago.
In the event of a catastrophic situation such as 9/11, rail travel is absolutely essential. The plane on which I was traveling on 9/11 was forced to land in St. Louis, and I was stranded there with no hotel room, no possibility of renting a car, and no way to get home in a timely manner since no planes were allowed in the air for three days. Later that evening I was able to take a train to Chicago, and the next morning continue by train to East Lansing. The Blue Water line (formerly the International) provided me safe passage home.
I urge you to seriously consider reinstating the $7.1 million dollars needed to continue the Blue Water and Pere Marquette lines to operate in Michigan. Rail travel is an essential part of the transportation system in Michigan and in the United States.
Director of Save Our Trains Michigan

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Unread post by OwlCaboose2853 »

Okay Sir! I swept them out.
Last edited by OwlCaboose2853 on Wed Nov 09, 2005 8:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Unread post by cmgnnut »

Check the signatures already it's got double entries. Not the way to do any good and if you really read the reply you'll see an explanation of what could happen not what is going to happen. Playing on peoples emotions is NOT the correct thing to be doing

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Unread post by BNSF 1088 »

In her letter she fails to tell why an increase is subsidy went up.The reason for that is the Federal Government dropped the 20% matching fund in the 2003 FY which meant the Amtrak budget went from $5.7 million to $7.1 million.

The 2nd thing is Amtrak never even mentioned that they would move the Amtrak maintenance facility to Michigan this was all made up by the Michigan legislatures and not Amtrak.Amtrak was having problems with the City of Beach Grove, IN and the Michigan Legislature jumped on this and made it look like Amtrak wanted to come to MI.

The 3rd note is a lie to the House of representatives passed the $7.1 million for Amtrak the Michigan Senate voted it down.When Sen Shirley Johnson says.

I should also note that while the current fiscal year's transportation budget bill was being discussed in both the House and the Senate, there was not a single person who offered testimony to support continuing to fund Amtrak's subsidy at the previous level of $7.1 million.


Shirley Johnson
State Senator
13th District

SJ: dp

The 4th note about the Chi-Grand Rapids train the Pere Marquette Sen Johnson fails to mention that both the Blue Water and the Pere Marquette trains are tied together as funding goes which means if the Blue Water goes so does the Pere Marquette train.

Matt Marderosian
Director of Save Our Trains Michigan/Save Our Trains Mississippi
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Unread post by GreatLakesRailfan »

In the letter that Senator Johnson wrote, she mentions the bus transit. Now, maybe things have changed in the last year or so, but the last I was aware of, the buses didn't bother to go all the way to Port Huron. And they don't make as many stops as the trains do, serving just the big cities, I believe. Now how in the world do you get away with claiming that the bus is a better alternative to trains if the stinkin' bus doesn't offer service to as wide a service range as does the train. Granted, the bus might be cheaper, but not everybody that's on the train's route that can't afford the train is gonna be served by a bus. I got the impression, when I read that letter the first time, that either Senator Johson has her head up her butt when it comes to the real facts, or she's a little (likely willfully) ignorant to the real facts here. I also get the impression that a number of our congress people didn't really see the Amtrak thing for what it was- probably a ploy to get the City of Beech Grove to cooperate a little more- and who have now turned it into a "move the shops here or we'll withhold the subsidy", haven't realized that Amtrak not only doesn't have to move the shops here (it wasn't really ever confirmed from what I've seen and heard since the first announcement), but Amtrak really doesn't have to continue to run that train either. So I think some of the state's politicians are gonna screw the citizens of the state (whether or not they're their constituents) over on the matter of Amtrak running the Blue Water or the Pere Marquette, mainly due to what appears to be simple ignorance.
The other thing that doesn't concern me as much, but I think should still be considered, is the little matter concerning David Gunn's firing (or "release"- refusal to resign and thus termination) and the so-called "cost=cutting" measures that other politicians equally as as brilliant as Senator Johnson and her co-horts when it comes to rail transportation and its true benefits. It's looking to me as though if the state of Michigan doesn't kill the BW and the PM, the feds will through their BS with this "cost-cutting". If they really want to look at waste, why the HECK don't they look at airline subsidies that are going to private companies and put in a bunch of "cost-cutting" measures for those companies too.

Sorry if this is a little strong, this is something that's really gotten me pissed off recently, a little too pissed off to write a letter to S. Johnson that wouldn't be offensive...but if it helps any, all the BS about passenger rail this week has really made me question the wisdom of the leadership of our country- both state and federal (not just GWB, there are others up there too, just they mostly manage to stay out of the lime light). Yeah, ok, I think I'm done now...end of rant...

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Unread post by BNSFDS209 »


I could not agree more !!!! People need to have thier facts straight before they open their cake holes ! Greyhound has pulled out of more than 15 states and mst countries around the world have "bellied up to the bar" and said "we know these passenger trains don't make money but its a cost of doinf business". Should my tax dollars be spent on people who are not responsible enough to go to the drug store and buy condoms or for the other people who pay taxes and ARE responsible and have jobs and pay into the tax system ??? Just what the hell is our tax money for anyway ? I commend you sir !


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