LS&I/ CN Location 4/14-4/16

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Yooper Foamer
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LS&I/ CN Location 4/14-4/16

Unread post by i995impalass »

Been Busy sorry about the delay.
My Job: 7am Tilden: 3003-3054 Normal Tilden morning job, out to the Tilden 55 empty ore's, Grabbed 55 loads off the North Stock Pile, then Back to Eagle Mills. Made up a train in the New Yard, back to the old yard, grabbed another 55 emptys, then back the Tilden. From there we droped and grabbed off the South stock track back to Eagle Mills and tied up.

7am Yard: 3006-3072 Ran to the Tilden light grabbed loads off the #1 pocket track and back to Eagle Mills, where they switched around freight in the yards, so a crew could clean up the snow pack.

7am Weigher: 3011-3000 took 45 Vans to the Tilden, spoted under the pocket, weighed, down to Partridge droped for the CN, back to Eagle Mills Light.

1500 Tilden- to do the same as us with switching the freight at the clay shed.

2230 CN Droped off 55 empty Van's on track 1A at Eagle Mills, Picked up the empty freight at Queen's from the Tilden.

2300 Tilden- to spot load at the Empire the SSAM ore cars for the CN weigh them at the scale at the Tilden, return them to Empire.

No Hill jobs as the rail grinder was still out on the hill working after haveing issues

7am Tilden- Normal Tilden job
7am Weigher- Normal Weigher
7am Yard/Hill- Normal Yard Hill

1230 Caught N/B SORE 1 at Little Lake( pics in the CN loco topic) waiting for SORE 2 from Partridge that was going past Gwinn at 1320

My Job 1500 Tilden:3006-3052 Switched freight for the Tilden at Eagle Mills, 3 clay cars and 1 caustic soda car. Ran to Tilden. The North stock wasent loaded, so we switched the clay shed. After that the North cars where finished, we hooked on and made our was to Queen's where we droped the empty freight for the CN. Ran to Eagle Mills filled out a train in the New yard, ran back to Tilden light to get 55 more ore cars off the South stock track. After that back to Eagle Mills, tied up.

1500 Yard/ Hill:3003-3074 Took 100 loads to Marquette, picked up 110 emptys plus 20 BO's for the shops. When they got back to EM, the switched the BO's into the shops and grabbed 110 loads, headed back to MQT. From there they grabbed 100 emptys back to EM and tied up.

2230 CN droped 65 empty van, 6 clay's, 3 casutic and 4 starch cars on 1A at EM as I was leaving.

2300 Tilden- Normal Tilden job

7am Weigher- Normal
7am Tilden- Normal
No Hill

1225 SORE 1 NB I heard over the scanner and going past the crossing SORE 2 is at the Empire loading still

My job 1500 Tilden: I will update soon long with other jobs

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Unread post by lemscate »

I've got a request for you, Mr. Ore Train Man. Can you get pictures of the clay shed and merchandise unloading area at the Tilden? This is one spot I've been trying to see for a long time, but can't see from the tour, or aerial photos, or any picture I've found anywhere.

My thanks for all these updates you're posting: it's the first time I've seen this kind of detail on the operations up there, which I much appreciate for my modeling prospects.

P.S. Where did you pick up that LS&I logo avatar?

Yooper Foamer
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Unread post by i995impalass »

Ill do what I can im on the dock tomorrow so ill try when I head that way, I got the my logo after searching the net

Yooper Foamer
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Unread post by i995impalass »

1500 Tilden: 3009-3052
Grabed freight for the clay shed, headed to the Empire to spot load 50 SSAM ore cars for the CN. Ran to the Tilden switched the clay shed, grabed 55 loads off the North stock track, ran to Queen's and droped the Tilden emptys. After that went to Eagle Mills, filled out track 6 of the New yard. Went to the shop tracks and grabed 14 BO and placed them on the new main of the New yard with 20 other BO, headed to the welfare and tied up.

1500 Yard/Hill:????-???? Started at MQT with 110 emptys, droped 55 at EM ran to the Tilden. The droped there 55 on the South Stock track, grabed loads out of the pocket headed back to EM. From there I couldent tell you what they did.

2220 CN SORE 1 was coming into Eagle Mills with 55 Vans, I heard over my scanner they had permission from Eagle Mills to Partridge @ 2245. They should be comming into my neck of the wood soon, depending on what they have to do at Partridge.

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