Durand Union Station Closed

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Durand Union Station Closed

Unread post by DepotFan1982 »

Please note that due to cleanup efforts and water restoration efforts, Durand Union Station is closed to the public this week. They hope to have the building back open by Saturday January 24.

Monday night January 19th, around 7 pm, one of the drains for the suppression system froze and broke off. An investigation is under way as to why this happened being that it was just looked at less than a few weeks ago.

When this broke, it caused the fire suppression system valve to open allowing hundreds of gallons of water to spill out directly over the Archive Room and Library.

None of the books in the library were damaged, and very few archival materials were damaged, but there is still a very large mess to clean up.

The firefighters of Durand worked very hard to ensure that the collection was not damaged, using tarps and manpower to removed or cover as much as possible as quick as possible.

Thank you to them!!!

The Water restoration company has large blowers and dehumidifiers running non-stop to remove as much water from the building as possible but until the rooms are deemed accessible and safe for archival materials, the building is closed. Expected re-open date is this coming Saturday January 24.


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Re: Durand Union Station Closed

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Re: Durand Union Station Closed

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thx for the info....please keep us in the loop :wink:
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Re: Durand Union Station Closed

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I guess I did not mentio before, but the citys insurance Company will be in today or tomorrow and the Depots insurance company is scheduled in today.

Document restoration companies will be contacted and members of the Library and Archives committee are working on drying things out. Past archive volunteers have also stated that they would be willing to help re-categorize and work on restoring some of the documents that were damaged.

We are just really thankful that it was not as bad as it could have been.

Also thanks to the DUSMRE, Durand Union Station Model Railroaders, who heard the alarm going off and were able to assist in the clean up process and helped get ALOT of water out of the building. Those were Dan Stainton(sp), Andy Messina, and Ed Bostick. So if you see them pat them on the back for their quick thinking that saved alot of artifacts from being ruined.

They took some damage also to their section and I am sure would appreciate a few donations to help them get cleaned up. You can call the Depot if you would like to make a donation to the cleanup efforts.

There are some things that unfortunately the insurance company will probably not be covering.

Will try to continue to update as we learn whats going on with insurance and water restoration companies

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Re: Durand Union Station Closed

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I sure hope that the irreplaceable photographs and other documents were not destroyed.

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Re: Durand Union Station Closed

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Most of the items that got wet should be able to be saved. The majority of the water was on maps and blueprints that were rolled out yesterday and being dried with the de-humidifiers by the water extraction company.

I did not see too many pictures in the wet stacks, the ones that did get wet were being dealt with by Don Grey from the Library & Archives Committee all day yesterday and he is back today working on clean-up.

Thanks everyone for their concern.

With as many rumors pass around, we want to make sure people know what is going on. If you should have any questions, please feel free to post them. I will try to answer as many as possible.

There was also a press release sent out to newpapares locally and both the Argus-Press of Owosso and Durand Independent were at the Depot yesterday during clean-up taking pictures and doing a story.

Thanks again

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Re: Durand Union Station Closed

Unread post by TrainNut85 »

Well I hope everything gets fixed in a jiffy, since I'll be volunteering there tomorrow. I just know my help can be counted on since I helped take down the christmas decorations there.

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Re: Durand Union Station Closed

Unread post by GP30M4216 »

Thank goodness the majority of the records and collections were not damaged, and the things which did get wet are being taken care of in a professional manner. I hope the clean up work continues to go along well, thanks to all that are working on preserving out state's railroad heritage! Does this temporary closure affect the Amtrak (north) part of the station building and waiting room? I thought I heard once that someone was doing some work on the ticket counter area and was wondering if anyone had any updated photos of the waiting room interior, etc.

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Re: Durand Union Station Closed

Unread post by DepotFan1982 »

This will not have any effect on the Amtrak area. That is a completely seperate area of the building. The only thing that had an effect was that the waiting room was over-run with maps and books that were drying out, but we kept seating available and bathrooms were still accesible.

The items in the Amtrak lobby are to be moved to another location in the building, most likely upstairs in the main ballroom or board room and those rooms will be off limits until further notice to anyone other than board members and volunteers working on restoration.

Work was done on the ticket counter not too long ago, the ceiling area was worked on, due to a water leak, some of the plaster had fallen. it was our understanding that the roof had been fixed, but unfortunately at last glance, it looks horrible again. We will have to wait until spring to go out onto the balcony and reseal the rubber roof. Then we can tear into it again. The hardest part was matching the paint.

Our main priority at the moment though is to concentrate on archival materials being able to be returned to their rightful places in the Library and Archives rooms. Hopefully the insurance companies dont drag their feet, but thankfully in working with them in the past, they have been more than helpful to put a rush on their services for us.

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Re: Durand Union Station Closed

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Also, to TrainNut85, make sure you call first before going all the way over there.

They might not have a whole lot that we are allowed to do until the insurance people come. I just dont want you to waste your time and energy and find out there nothing for you to do.

I am sure they appreciate the volunteers, but until they get things straightened around with the city, things are at a standstill.


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Re: Durand Union Station Closed

Unread post by jukeman45 »

Flood damages archives at depot

DURAND - A water pipe that froze and burst flooded the more than 100-year-old Durand Union Station Monday.

Officials say, though, because of the Durand Fire Department's quick response and the help of others, a major disaster was averted.

The burst pipe was located in the attic/storage area of the depot. When it burst, water began flooding into the room. The water soaked through the ceiling and began spreading through the depot's library and archives. The room containing a model railroad also received some damage.

An alarm went off at approximately 6:30 p.m. Monday and the Durand Fire Department responded immediately.

“The fire department got here quickly and cut off the water supply,” said Don Westcott, president of the Durand Union Station, Inc., Board of Directors. “I don't think we are going to lose a lot of the documents.”

Vice President Dan Brooks agreed.

“A lot of the damage looks superficial at this point,” he said.

Durand Union State Director Connie Cobley said when she heard the news she was in shock.

“You're just sick because you know there is so much history in this building,” she said.

But she also was thankful for the help from the fire department.

“I was stunned how fast the Durand Fire Department came in,” Cobley said. “They immediately moved everything they physically could and then they set up all the tables so we could get things up and drying...They could've left.”

Brooks added he was very thankful for the alarm system, especially since the depot, built in 1903, is normally closed Mondays.

“If the alarm hadn't been triggered by the pressure release in the valve, the water would've kept on running for who knows how long,” Brooks said. “Until Tuesday morning perhaps? It would have been a total disaster.”

Firefighters, volunteers and staff worked until about 11 p.m. Monday and then continued Tuesday morning.

There appears to be a minimal amount of damage to the library, but the depot's archives will be closed until further notice. The extent of the damage to the archives has yet to be determined.

Maps and other historic documents, some dating back to the 1920s, were set out on tables in the depot's ballroom to dry.

“These were in a map case with water pouring on top of them,” Cobley said. “Some of these were sopping wet.”

She added they have contacted the Alfred P. Sloan Museum in Flint and the Michigan State Historic Preservation Office on how to proceed.

Stanley Builders, a Flushing-based business that does insurance work and remodeling services, was hired to help with damage control and restoration.

“I didn't realize there was so much expertise in reclamation for water, but they were really good,” Cobley said.

The monetary amount of damage caused by the water is unknown at this point.

“The reclamation crew estimated last night - based on the tank - they had over 200 gallons of water,” Brooks said. “Of course, that doesn't count the amount of water collected overnight with the dehumidifiers and other equipment they have running.”

The depot will remain closed until Saturday.

Cobley said the depot was nearing the 30-year anniversary of the start of its restoration and were planning a celebration at the end of February.

“So, now we are back to restoration again,” she said with a sigh.

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Re: Durand Union Station Closed

Unread post by jukeman45 »

I find it very interesting that a pipe with air in it can burst

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Re: Durand Union Station Closed

Unread post by DepotFan1982 »

It was not a pipe with air in it. The fire suppression system is charged by compressed air. Anyone that has worked with an air compressor before knows that it builds up condensation. The pipe that burst was a condensation drain pipe.

This pipe was just drained a few weeks ago. That is why the fire suppression company is investigating why so much had built up over such a short period of time.

This drain pipe was located in the attic, and when the condensation built up, it froze causing a coupler to break apart. When that happened, the suppression system took the lack of air pressure as a signal to release the valve on the water which came rushing thru the pipe.

The pipe has been replaced by the suppression company and was being tested to make sure we are able to build up enough pressure in the lines again.

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Re: Durand Union Station Closed

Unread post by TrainNut85 »

http://abclocal.go.com/wjrt/story?secti ... id=6618593

ABC12 news was there today, so I ended up on camera while sorting out the blueprints.

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Re: Durand Union Station Closed

Unread post by DepotFan1982 »

Its great to know how much help and how many volunteers have stepped up to help us go through all of the documents, I wish I could have been there today, but unfortunately have to work. Hopefully I will be there all weekend though.

Thanks for all your help Trainnut85. You are definately a hard worker. I was there the day you were taking down decorations in the hallway upstairs.

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Re: Durand Union Station Closed

Unread post by TrainNut85 »

Its my pleasure to help. I just love being at that place. Yea there may not be a lot of trains going by there, its the atmosphere that makes me keep coming back.

I would return sometime but with my bike out of commission(back tire blew out) I may have to wait a while before returning to volunteer.

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Re: Durand Union Station Closed

Unread post by GP9R »

How much water leaked into the Model railroad room?

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Re: Durand Union Station Closed

Unread post by jukeman45 »

DepotFan1982 wrote:It was not a pipe with air in it. The fire suppression system is charged by compressed air. Anyone that has worked with an air compressor before knows that it builds up condensation. The pipe that burst was a condensation drain pipe.

This pipe was just drained a few weeks ago. That is why the fire suppression company is investigating why so much had built up over such a short period of time.

This drain pipe was located in the attic, and when the condensation built up, it froze causing a coupler to break apart. When that happened, the suppression system took the lack of air pressure as a signal to release the valve on the water which came rushing thru the pipe.

The pipe has been replaced by the suppression company and was being tested to make sure we are able to build up enough pressure in the lines again.
Compressed air? That's air what did I say........ Air

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Re: Durand Union Station Closed

Unread post by DepotFan1982 »

Yeah, I know that you said AIR.

But it was not an AIR pipe, it was the condensation pipe.

Condensation = Water.

Water freezes.

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Re: Durand Union Station Closed

Unread post by pfs »

I hope all the items can be saved.
Good thing for the RR Club!
