Amtrak Amfleets around

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Amtrak Amfleets around

Unread post by GP30M4216 »

As Amtrak ridership continues to increase, and more ARRA fund cars are outshopped from rebuild, Amfleet I coaches have been showing up more frequently on Michigan trains over the past month or two. These are rarely sighted around Michigan, as their maintenance base is over at Bear, DE, and they are primarily used on trains east of the Appalachians. A limited number of Amfleet I cafe/business class cars are always kept in Chicago, as there aren't enough Horizon cafe cars to cover all trains, but the coaches are a more rare sight over here. Today's Amtrak 353 has a coach immediately preceding the Amfleet Cafe car on the rear of the train.

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Re: Amtrak Amfleets around

Unread post by j32885 »

The Midnight Amtrak the other day, had 3 Budd Amfleet cars. It can be seen here:

Amtrak (Wolverine), 06-02-2010

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Re: Amtrak Amfleets around

Unread post by ConrailMan5 »

Ive seen that a lot recently, they've done it before with high ridership. Heard that they are planning to order 200 pieces of rolling stock within the next five years too.
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Re: Amtrak Amfleets around

Unread post by GP30M4216 »

I saw 352 arrive at Ann Arbor Station yesterday (8/23) with 5 coaches + a cafe car. I'd guess at least 100 people detrained, if not more, they had 3 doors open and the people just kept coming. One of the coaches was an Amfleet I if anyone is interested....should be the 4th car on this morning's 351 toward Chicago. Genesis 34 will lead west with 37 on the tail.

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