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Posting pictures (again)

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 5:16 pm
by GAP
OK, I give up. I'll be the next guy to ask how to post a picture. I found some from the U.P. dated 1975. They are now in "tif" format and I can't find any instructions. I'll need instructions that a 20th century dinosaur can follow.

Re: Posting pictures (again)

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 5:23 pm
GAP wrote:OK, I give up. I'll be the next guy to ask how to post a picture. I found some from the U.P. dated 1975. They are now in "tif" format and I can't find any instructions. I'll need instructions that a 20th century dinosaur can follow.
I'm sure someone will help you but you may also consider posting this in the Photography section.

Re: Posting pictures (again)

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 7:29 pm
by conrailmike
You need some type of software that you can get them into JPEG format. TIF format is just way too big. Something like GIMP (free) or Photoshop (NOT free) so you can open them up and resize if needed and save them as a JPEG. Do you have someplace to upload them once your done resizing and saving them as jpegs? Flickr works good or your personal gallery here.

Re: Posting pictures (again)

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:52 pm
by KC

save photo as Tiff to your desktop
double left click on icon on desktop,

when photo opens,
right click, open with
left click, paint

When paint opens, left click on File at top
left click Save As,
bottom of box is file name, type in what you want photo called.
at the bottom of same box is Save as type: use the drop menu to save as JPEG (*,JPG,*JPEG,* JPE,*JFIF)
at the top of that same box is SAVE IN, use DESKTOP.
left click CLICK SAVE in lower right hand corner of box.

Exit Paint, on your desktop, click on the JPEG icon of your photo that you named.
Notice that Tiff and JPEG icons are different, hold your curser over the icon and it should show which one you have.

Right click on icon and select resize, select MED or LARGE and OK and a new icon that size will come on your desktop.
Use that to post on Flickr or or where ever you host your pics.

Hope this works for you, not sure if all windows programs are the same.

Re: Posting pictures (again)

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 11:50 pm
by GAP
Finally got four into the photo gallery under "GAP." They are from the U.P. in 1975:

C&NW in Iron Mountain
C&NW near Niagara
MILW in Iron Mountain
LS&I roundhouse in Marquette