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Whitmore Lake

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 2:09 pm
by HomeBuyer
Hi all, thanks for allowing me to crash your board to ask a few questions about the trains that run through Whitmore Lake. I'm considering purchasing a duplex that is very close to the tracks and am wondering if anyone here knows how to get a hold of a schedule. I'm particularly interested in the number of trains that go through the area between 6pm and 7am. Does really heavy freight go through there? Is a whistle blown at night? I've not been able to get much information from the neighbors. Thanks! :D

Re: Whitmore Lake

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 3:21 pm
by SD80MAC
Whitmore Lake is near the Great Lakes Central (GLC) RR's line to Ann Arbor (Osmer). Recently they've been leaving Owosso anywhere between 8 and 10 am and would show up around Whitmore Lake in the early afternoon. After dropping off interchange traffic for the Ann Arbor RR at Osmer, the GLC train will head back north to Owosso, so it'll pass through your area twice a day, roughly an hour or so apart I'd say. Yes, the train will blow it's horn. They do run at night once in a while if there's a grain train or special train that needs to head south. Unless something comes up, they don't usually run on Saturday or Sunday.

Re: Whitmore Lake

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 8:54 pm
by M.D.Bentley
If you are worried about trains making noise. DON'T buy near a railroad track. Alot of people buy near a railroad track only to want the local authorities to ticket them for making railroad type noises. It's good to do the research but there are thousands of places for sale these days nowhere near an active or little used railroad track.

Re: Whitmore Lake

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 8:13 am
by fmilhaupt
The GLC currently coming through during daylight hours now is no guarantee that they won't run through the area at night. There is nothing preventing them from changing their operating patterns as their business needs evolve, changing when they run trains, or adding more trains should their traffic increase. Plus, freight trains generally don't adhere to a strictly fixed schedule.

The GLC's predecessor used to run through Whitmore Lake during the night, and if there were a reason for them to go back to that, they would. Also, if anything were to come of the proposed Howell-to-Ann Arbor commuter rail line, there would be additional trains through during the morning and evening rush hours.

So, what it boils down to is that if you're concerned about train noise, my best advice is to not buy property close to the tracks.

Re: Whitmore Lake

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 8:15 am
by pfs
I agree , if you have any concerns at not buy this property.

Michigan is a wash with property for sale, many at bargain prices.

Re: Whitmore Lake

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 8:43 am
by HomeBuyer
Thanks, all, for your responses. It's investment property that I may live in for a while. Yes, there is a lot of property on the market, but not many duplexes in the area that I am looking it. The location is ideal and I've never lived near tracks, so I'm just trying to get an idea of what to expect...and when. Thanks again and happy new year!

Re: Whitmore Lake

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:04 am
by jukeman45
HomeBuyer wrote:Thanks, all, for your responses. It's investment property that I may live in for a while. Yes, there is a lot of property on the market, but not many duplexes in the area that I am looking it. The location is ideal and I've never lived near tracks, so I'm just trying to get an idea of what to expect...and when. Thanks again and happy new year!
I can appreciate the way your doing your homework. More people should do it this way. :o

Re: Whitmore Lake

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:22 pm
by firemedic54
If you like trains but don't like the noise then I'd say look elsewhere. However, having lived 500' from a crossing on a somewhat busy line I can say that for me personally I enjoyed it. We actually moved in the summer time so the windows were open quite frequently. After a very short time we really never noticed them going thru at night. So my advice is put some thought into it before commiting to anything long term. Unfortunately we had to move in April of this year due to structural issues with the house from the tornado of '07 that we've been dealing with ever since. I miss being that close but where we are now we can still hear them. Just not the same though.. :(

Re: Whitmore Lake

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:27 pm
by hoborich
I wish I lived closer to the tracks. If the wind is out of the south, and the air is heavy, I can hear CSX trains on the Plymouth Sub. But not very often. Something about a train horn............... :lol:

Re: Whitmore Lake

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:18 am
by firemedic54
Yeah I'm with you there Rich. I liked being able to hear incoming trains from the east as they were coming thru Holly making their way towards Fenton, especially in the summer time.

Re: Whitmore Lake

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 9:00 am
by Michael
I agree with you guys. Of all the unpleasant noises in the world.....a moving train is just not one of them. :)

Re: Whitmore Lake

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 6:08 pm
by conrailmike
I'm already close enough to the tracks....just need more traffic on the line :mrgreen:

Re: Whitmore Lake

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 6:16 pm
by firemedic54
Michael wrote:I agree with you guys. Of all the unpleasant noises in the world.....a moving train is just not one of them. :)
I'm not saying it's unpleasant it's just not for everyone. I do agree with Mike, would be nice to see more traffic. If I didn't like it I wouldn't have built my house so close to the tracks. Unfortunately circumstances beyond my control doesn't allow me to be there but it's a sacrifce I had to make for the good of my family.