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Crossing gate suggestion for Clare

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 10:35 am
by TrainNut85
Last nite the TSBY stopped in Clare to pick up a lumber car they had left at the truss company the nite before. Before they switched to get onto the secondary siding to go on the interchange to head up there, one car darted right out in front of #392 and #2681 as they headed onto the track. The second time occured when they headed onto the interchange, someone darted out in front of them. The third time occured when they came back with the car as they came off the old C&O interchange. I got to talk to the nite crew and they weren't too happy about what had happened. My opinion is that maybe they TSBY(GLC) needs to put crossing arms at the crossing on 5th street. Anybody else have an opinion to this? Feel free to post any replies.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 11:23 am
by Justin
Sounds like some of the people in Bay City with the HESR. I have seen people drive right in front of a train that is going at least 15 mph. That may not seem like much but a train weighing that much, it doesn't matter how fast they are going, is still going to put on a good punch. I think it is crazy that people play chicken with something many times bigger than them. One of these days I am waiting for the not so close call. I know where I used to live by Detroit in Monroe, the trains there did like 50 or 60 mph! A train going that fast will throw someone from their car.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 11:51 am
by TrainNut85
I've happen to see that too when I use to go to Bay City to visit with friends. People these days that attempt the "daredevil" trick by crossing in front of a train may just end up in the hospital or in their own coffin.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 3:56 pm
by Railnut
Unforunatley..with only 1 train each way a day, durring the week...gates probobly wont go up untill enough people get killed, thats when MDOT will notice(they own the line, TSBY/GLC runs it).
And 5th street is old US-10..correct? I had spent a month up there while helping "wrap" the depot last winter..I could take you around town with no problem, but I dont remember any street
Dave C

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 11:39 am
by TrainNut85
yes 5th street is old 10 plus M-115 if i'm correct. Plus i've gotten to tour the depot when i went to the Michigan Northern H.S. get-together. But since i live in Clare i know my way around but thanks for the offer. Its just that i'm concerned for the safety of the guys running the trains thru Clare. They're the nicest guys and i'd hate to see them go thru a dilemma when someone races the train and doesn't beat it, with them viewing when they hit a car.

P.S. nice picture by the way, how did you take it?

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 2:28 pm
by GreatLakesRailfan
Probably from the roof of some structure or other that he was working on...can't imagine David doing something illegal (like crossing the tracks in Durand) and getting away with it. :lol:

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 11:20 am
by Railnut
Hey..leave Durand out of it... 8)
NS fan..I was there at the meet in Clare..the guy with the long red hair(Chopped now).
I took that pic from the roof of the depot while I was helping work on it..not a fun job..driving on ice in rush hour traffic is safer, the gravel on the shingles was like stepping on marbles..wouldn't be because the last work done to the roof was in 1962..jeeze that building needs a LOT of work.
If you look in the upper left of the photo, on the old freight house track, there is a string of hoppers. The TSBY 2648 and a hopper were derailed on that track..(rail had spread out of gauge)..and the 392 was there to take the north bound cars to Cadillac. Was nice to see them durring the day, I should add.
Hear is a video, with music, of the TSBY north bound when she worked polly pavillion while we worked on the depot on night in january. ... yclare0001

Dave C

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 12:56 pm
by TrainNut85
yea if i remember your name was David Cenci if i'm correct, i was the one that sent you the group pic of the gathering in Durand. By the way nice video plus the Metallica that you included into it. Seeing that video reminds me of every weeknite that i go out to catch the TSBY. Plus i did notice what you pointed out in the pic. I hardly see 2648 up here anymore but 2681 usually makes it up here most of the time. Maybe we could meet sometime before Friday at the depot cuz this Friday i'm moving to Mt. Pleasant. Plus if you are interested i have some pics of the TSBY i took while they were in Clare during the day. If you want i can send them to your email. Let me know.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 1:08 pm
by Railnut
That is are AJ?..or is it BJ..cant get the names straight with the face..thanks again for the pic!
Yeah..we didn't hear the NB come in that night..we(Mark & I) were staying in the hotel on the north end..rather than drive back to mayville (3 hour drive)..but when we went out for food..we could hear her (2648) idleing in the yard..all the way up there!
So we drove over..we found her hiding behind a string of centerbeam's..we figured the crew died or something, so we left for food. had no idea she had derailed.
As for going around am living 4 hours the little town of Peck,,over in the thumb..I would love to do it..but Im have no way..but I do hope the move goes well!
Dave C

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 1:41 pm
by TrainNut85
I'm BJ. I no longer talk to my father AJ cuz of some differences. The move will go well, plus i'll still get to see the TSBY in Mt. Pleasant or if i was to be adventurous i'll catch them in Shepherd. By the way do u know when they are suppose to be starting work on the depot? It looks really depressing and i'd hate to see something from railroad history go to waste. But anyways if you are ever over this way send me a PM.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 2:34 pm
by Railnut on the depot is at a halt...thanks to crooked polititions in the area. Mark was gonna bid on the actual restoration..but they were not going to offer enough to make it worth his time..he want's to do it..but he also needs money to get
That, and he has several ideas, and the city didn't like was to keep the depot there rather than move it east to the pole lot. He wanted this because of the "possibility" of passenger trains and more frequent excursions coming throught town, and he wanted the depot to be there to greet people as the trains rolled through, if they didn't stop.
He wanted to bring the rail train up to the depot, byt place it along side the old C&O rails, rather than have TSBY pull them up. City thought it was dangerous haveing trains that close to the trail..and Mark said "but the trains olny use that track in the middle of the night.." no avail.
There were issues on what color(s) the depot would be painted, use of the depot..outdoor displays..etc...all sorts of fun stuff.
Sorry to hear abut you and your dad..I pray things can be settled.
Will let ya know when I can get over there.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 5:32 pm
by TrainNut85
That sucks to hear about that, but i guess thats typical Clare for you. Its possible in the next two years that passenger trains will roll thru on the TSBY. Plus i heard that someone is gonna be stationed at the depot to operate the switches for the TSBY when they come to switch cars at Poly Pavillion. And come to find out i'm sticking around in Clare. Couldn't afford the move but oh well. Maybe whenever you're in Clare we could meet at the depot. Things won't settle between me and AJ. The whole reason is that he got into my business too much instead of staying out of it. Well talk to u later David. Keep railfanning!