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MNHS Meeting Report

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 12:08 am
by BerkshireKid
I'd like to thank everyone that attended the 2nd annual Michigan Northern Historical Society meeting in Clare.
The turn out was great and the people were friendly.

Our keynote speaker was Paul B. of Clare. He worked for the Michigan Northern from the start until 1981. His storys kept us asking questions and entertained. Once again i'd like to thank him for sharing his memories with us.

The preliminary word from our president Pat C. is that the meetings will continue due to the interest there is out there. We even had a few non-members join us for the food and conversation.

I'd like to once again thank everyone that attended.....
Pat C.
Ned F.
Mike D.
Gregg P.
Paul B.
Brian J.
Lisa B.
Dane R.
Tom B.
Jeff L.
George I.
Mark I.

Dane Reynolds
Michigan Northern Historical Society

MNHS Pictures

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 9:54 pm
by BerkshireKid
First, I'll start with the group picture.
Starting at the left side we got....
Dane R, Pat C, Mike D, Paul B, Jeff L, Brian J, Lisa B, Tom B, and lastly Gregg P (unable to stay until the picture was taken were George I, Mike I, and Ned F)

Then we got Paul B, our keynote speaker.

Mike D listens in on the conversation while Brian J and Lisa B enjoy their food and drinks.

George I tells a few of his stories as Pat C eats his ice cream in the background.


We got Pat C for VOLUME.

Next we have Tom B for ARTISTIC for nicely representing his mustache.
(NOTE: I think he was trying to hide some of the grey in his mustache behide the ice cream :) )
Also, Tom B took home the crown for being in the most pictures (4).

Our runner up for VOLUME was Jeff L. It wasn't for the lack of trying with his double handed approach.

And our runner up for ARTISTIC was Lisa B with her what looks to be "beginners troubles" as she called it.

And for all of you that missed it Tom B has a message......
YOU BETTER MAKE IT NEXT TIME!!!!!!! And no, "my wife won't let me", isn't an excuse!

This concludes our meeting report from the 2007 Michigan Northern Historical Society.

Dane Reynolds
Michigan Northern Historical Society

Pictures 1,4,5,6,&7 copyright Dane Reynolds 2007
Pictures 2,3,&8 copyright Gregg Pullano 2007

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 11:05 pm
by PAT.C

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:50 am
by TrainNut85
Great pics Dane & Gregg, this meeting turned out very interesting, especially George showing up with old pictures, which is a plus. I'm still laughing at the ice cream contest lol! Lisa (traingirl21) laughed her hardest when she got runner up for the artistic contest. But anyways I was very glad that Pat C. (our president), Dane, Gregg, Mike D. Shep, Jeff, Paul B., Tom(Raildudes Dad), George and his son, Lisa and myself made it to the meeting to keep it goin.

Brian J.

Got a Question

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:32 am
by TrainWatcher
Ok, now, since you all are familiar with the RF16's that MN operated, I was wondering if you guys were going to try to get them when the time comes? Also, I was wondering what was it like to operate a piece or history being the last 2 Sharks on the rails.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:50 pm
by TrainNut85
Well heres a bit of info for u James. I had gotten a report a few years ago on those RF16 sharks, and they're not too good in shape, plus one of the couplers got busted off on the front of one of them. Plus Paul B. told me they handled like crap, simply cuz they weren't taken care of too good, since 1205 was out of action the whole time the MN had the two sharks. I rather see them in a museum in my opinion.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:58 pm
by BerkshireKid
Not going to museum if i win lottery (yeah right)

I hate to say it but i would refurbish the carbodys to like new and repower them with EMD 645's and lease them to Marquette or GLC. Now that would be AWESOME shortline power

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 2:32 pm
by TrainWatcher
I totally agree. Now, how did the couple get busted? I did not hear about that. Really how hard is it to replace a crank? Not to mention I have been told that Baldwin PM's quite frequently show up on E-bay.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 4:56 pm
by TrainNut85
From what i heard E&LS had a lil mishap while moving one of them around, thats how it broke.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 7:18 am
by TrainWatcher
Ok, I know they broke one of the cranks (not sure #1205, or #1216) when they had to pull a Jordan around a wye and ran the Shark head first into the snowbank.