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Trip #8 I think!

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 7:27 pm
by sd70accsxt700

Called for Q13210, at 04:30. We have the CSXT 7550 & 7860, with 18 loads (short count), for 2477 feet, and 3247 tons. We get in the PTI and head over to Stanley Tower, to make the crew change, but we have to wait for Q51311, to depart the yard, before they can pull up. They had CSXT 7650 & UP 3961, with 86 cars. Then our train pulls up and we get on board, and depart, at 5:58. We stop at Vickers at 6:08, and watch the following.

6:08, a NS eastbound intermodal with two 9-40CW's. Then at 6:10, we see 49, with Amtk 13 & 204, with one baggage, 9 passenger, and 2 Expresstracks. Then at 6:20, we have a meet, with 20G, witch had a NS primer 9-40CW, and a BNSF 9-44CW, in Red & Silver (47?? I think), & a BNSF (SF) 8-40CW, and 29, with 2 P42's, 8 passenger cars, and what looked like a private car. We departed Vickers at 6:25, and passed the Y21610, on E43509, with CSXT 4748 and 95 cars. Then at 6:36, passing by the docks, we see a W064 train of ballast with CSXT 7138 & 7037, with 47 cars. Passing by the AA yard, I see the 2368 & 2373, pulling in with a train, at 6:52, and we stopped at Ottawa River, at 6:58.

As we sit there we see the Q32110, with CSXT 8506, HLCX 6317, & CSXT 5939, with 59 cars pass at 7:10. Then at 8:04, we have the S39911, with BNSF 945 & 7335, with 97 cars. We depart at 8:08. We stop at Wayne, at 9:35, for 40 minuets, as the NS switches. As we go past East yard in Plymouth, at 10:38, we see the Y10911, with CSXT 2653, also Q29001, with CSXT 7615 & 2690, and 5 auto parts. As we arrive in Rouge, we pass the Q39911, at P Company, with CSXT 7881 & 4426, with 100 cars, at 11:00, Then the fun begins, as we pass through the yard, (yes in the yard #2 track to be exact, as both the east and westbound mains had cars on them), we see Q32711, waiting for a crew, with CSXT 8147 & EMDX 6301, with 38 cars. We come to a stop at Delray for the first time at 11:54. At 12:30, the NS 252, is turning there power, the NS 9822.

At 12:35, we see Q15111 depart, with CSXT 406 & 4732, he had 120 loads, and 3 empty (long count), with 154 containers. As he was pulling up to the NS Rouge River bridge, NS L7?, the boat yard job, came by, with NS 5205, and 7 cars. As soon as Q151 cleared the bridge, the Freighter ALGOMARINE came out bound from Rouge Steel. While the boat made its way past, CP 582, pulled up and wait to head across to the NS, with CP 8640 & 6016, with 55 cars. He departed at 13:16. Off in the distance through the trees, I seen a NS southbound intermodal, with a 9-40CW, at 13:28. At this time the yardmaster asks if we can shove back down the running track and into the yard, as he needs to make some moves, out at the tunnel office. So at 13:45, we shove back into the yard. At 14:40, the Y12211, with CSXT 2643 & 6034, pulls up along side of us to wait for a inbound CP move. He was heading down to switch Hog Bros. and down to the ? warehouse, with 2 reefers. At 14:54, the CP 139, with CP 5629 & 6068. At 15:08, we leave the yard for the second time, we also stop at Delray again for a quick minuet, as CP 528, is turning there power. We arrive at Livernois, at 15:30, and pass a CN southbound, on the Wabash, with CN 2563 & 5662, and 82 cars (this was a interesting train, as of the 82 cars, at least 3/4's of them were loaded frame flats. As we are putting our train away, off in the distance, we see X50110, head for the CSX at 15:54, with CP 9545 & CEFX 2878, and give them a wistle( I know the conductor on the job). Back at the yard office, waiting for a ride, the LV?? is going to work, with NS 1443(in OL) & 1439. Also at 16:24, the NS 39E pulls in to make his set off, with NS 4627 & 2584. Right at this time I wish that we were on the CSX, as a perfect photo opp apears in front of the yard office. (I dont like to wonder arround on the foreign guys yards with the camera at work). But I now in good light, with the city of Detroit in the background, have LV??, with 2 CR GP15-1's, sitting in front of the yard office, with 2 NS units off of 39E, also in the picture, and our two CSX units sitting over by the main. All three railroads of the CR breakup in the same photo. That sucks. And as we are getting in the PTI van, the X50010, pulls into the picture, with CP 9550 13 auto part boxes, and 36 load's and one empty platform(short count). Now that would have been a photo CSX, CR, NS, CP.


Called at 05:30 for the Q23111. We have CSXT 7733 & 8383, with one platform, with 3 containers, and 83 auto racks. As we are departing, at 7:42, we see 351, with AMTK 28 5 passenger cars, and AMTK 32. At P Company, at 8:20, we pass the Q21612, waiting for a crew, with CSXT 7642 & 8072, with 69 cars, waiting for a crew (there is a PC green covered hopper, some where in the last 10 cars, with a CRQ logo in white, and NYC reporting marks, man sometimes I wish I wasn't on the train, and I didn't even get the numbers, as I was so awe struck). At Plymouth Rd. we overtake the departing K38409, with CSXT 8587 & 8342, with 101 cars, at 8:26. Then at Outer Drive, we pass the waiting K38510, with CSXT 8724 & 8610, with 107 loads, at 8:32.

At Plymouth we pass the S32212, with CSXT 8233 & HLCX 6083, with 80 cars, at 09:08. Then at Wayne, at 9:30, we pass the D7??, with CSXT 118 heading up to Chevy yard to put together the K59910, with 65 cars. As we cross the diamond, we come to pass the S39212 with BNSF 9725 & 9492, and 67 cars. At Stoney Creek , south of Carleton, we pass the Q13212, with Y30111, (yes out of crews again) with GEVO CSXT 5253 & 7663. He had 44 loads & 4 empties (long count) with 69 containers. We come to a stop at Sterns Rd. at 10:44. At 10:48, we see the high balling G74101, with CSXT 7336, and 65 cars. We depart at 11:45.

At Ottawa River, we pass the waiting Q32212, at 12:06, with CSXT 4725, and 66 cars. At Boullvard yard we pass the tied down Y32111, with cab CSXT 900055, 12 cars, and CSXT 2689. We arrive at Vickers at 12:35, and see a eastbound with NS 2527 & 6167, with 94 cars. And at 12:44, we see the 15J ? with NS 9481 & 9909, with 98 cars. We depart at 12:48. At Dry Creek we pass the H79512, turning there power. At Union St we run around the G96409, on #2 with CSXT 304, and 65 cars, at 13:08. Also coming up the old main, is the Y21612, with two units they just took off the G96409, the GCFX 3070 & RLCX 8587. At Crandel Rd. we pass the majorly messed up Q27211. It has a block of mixed freight, on the head end, and all but the last unit, is off of the just arrived X092. He had the CSXT 7563, 6111, 8622, FURX 3047, CSXT 762, CEFX 3131, & CSXT 8194, with 1 five pack and 4 containers, 46 mixed freight, 43 auto racks, and one frame flat (the mixed freight should show you how plugged Stanley gets, as they already ran a Q392, and S392 for Detroit). As we are being fueled at VR Tower, we see the inbound Q24211, with CSXT 7725 & 7321, with 46 cars, and N91406, with CSXT 296 & 39.

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 8:01 pm
by patrick
Where does H795 begin and end, and what was your northbound power?

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 8:44 pm
by sd70accsxt700
H795, Fostoria local to the mixing center(you should rember him), and Could they bee the 7550 & 7860, in the first scentince about the 10th word. hehehehehehehe :lol:

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 8:51 pm
by patrick
I know, but you said you saw the H79512, and it didnt sound like you were anywhere near walbridge or fostoria. and i guess your not the only ones whos tired.

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 8:54 pm
by sd70accsxt700
Go To Bed. Did you see your Bud Train from across the river.

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 9:01 pm
by patrick
they ran a train full of bud.....oh...wait..the beer....ahahah nope.... eyes aint that good to be able to see all the way to canada. did see pics of it on this site though! :-)

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 4:30 pm
by redside20
man i need to get to delray more often

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 5:29 pm
by PAT.C