April Fools - redirect to cartoon

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Sofa King Admin
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April Fools - redirect to cartoon

Unread post by ~Z~ »

So this April Fool's day's change appears to be the gift that keeps giving. Changed the redirects on the index pages to point to an old flash video of Homestar Runner asking why the website is down, and being told "the system is down, yo." Deleted them yesterday and set it back how it was, but appears most browsers take some time to start recognizing that change. Apologies if clicking the "Board Index" or the banner at the top takes a hot minute until it takes you back to the main forum page at https://railroadfan.com/phpbb
Future 4/1's won't have the 301 and 302 redirects tampered with :)

If it's still causing issues, and you are using Google Chrome, it's likely in your browsers cache. While on railroadfan.com, hit the F12 key. In the box that appears on the right, click the "Network" tab, and check the box for "disable cache". Browse the site a bit including hitting the banner and the "Board Index" buttons. It should be fixed at that point. Uncheck "disable Cache" and all should be well.
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