Discussing railroad employees by name

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Discussing railroad employees by name

Unread post by amtrakjackson »

In the past few days I've learned that my name, as well as at least the name of one more employee, had been brought up several times in association with postings, privileged information, cab rides, and the like.

This will cease immediately. Here's why:

To some of you, railroading might be entertainment. A hobby or obsession, to varying degrees. To others, it is a livelihood. That's a reality. It is no game. Railroads aren't in existence for your entertainment in lieu of, or perhaps to supplant, anything that's missing in your life.

Here's something you might find shocking- Amtrak is no different that any other railroad. Just because the employees may be in the public eye doesn't mean we're not subject to the same rules and regulations as any other railroad. Amtrak management and IT contractors monitor these boards. Investigations are held for a myriad of reasons if they choose, and then there's the catch-all "conduct unbecoming of an employee" if all else fails.

Anyone who wishes to make any claims regarding an employee should have evidence to substantiate that claim. "He said" and "she said" is enough to get someone pulled out of service, "off-pending" as they say. The claimant should spend some time contemplating the possible ramifications of saying anything about another before posting. And here's a shocker- if an employee asks you not to post something, DON'T. That's plain common sense.

(Something similar popped up on the Yahoo "rrnotes" group recently; subscribers to that list wil know what I'm talking about.)

A career as an Amtrak station agent, conductor, or engineer might sound "meh" to some out there. These are real jobs, folks. They all pay extremely well, have good benefits, and a great retirement. Don't think that since we deal with the public that our positions are any different than a freight railroad employee's job.

I wish not to belabor the point. I've been pretty tolerant; probably too much so. From this point forward, I'll keep a closer eye on message boards, chat room postings, social networking pages, and photo submission sites for my name and/or work location.

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Re: Discussing railroad employees by name

Unread post by signmasters »

A good point and something that shouldn't have to be posted to real rail-fans, great post. I 100% support!!!!
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Re: Discussing railroad employees by name

Unread post by redside20 »

i concur, no revealing anyones names
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Re: Discussing railroad employees by name

Unread post by TrainWatcher »

I agree.

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Re: Discussing railroad employees by name

Unread post by AARR »

Everyone, please heed amtrakjackson's post. We'd lose valuable contributions if railroad employee's had to leave because us railfans put them in a compromising position with their employers by mentioning their names.
PatC created a monster, 'cause nobody wants to see Don Simon no more they want AARR I'm chopped liver, well if you want AARR this is what I'll give ya, bad humor mixed with irrelevant info that'll make you roll your eyes quicker than a ~Z~ banhammer...

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Re: Discussing railroad employees by name

Unread post by Old Hogger »

Well said AJ. As a railroad employee, I've gotten myself into some trouble in the past for things I've posted, so I have to be real careful on what I say. So if you have a friend that works on the railroad, just say "an informed source" or something like that. Leave out the names is the safe thing to do.

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Re: Discussing railroad employees by name

Unread post by TSB »

5 years on college faculties
34 years working on railroads

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Re: Discussing railroad employees by name

Unread post by Y@ »

right there with ya amtkjackson!
Bottom text.

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Re: Discussing railroad employees by name

Unread post by Hogger1225 »

What would also go along with this is not posting a certain person or crew's every little move at such and such place, whether or not the activity monitored is or isn't in accordance with the rules. I believe this has been discussed on here before. Like it or not, this isn't supposed to be a (inadvertant) stool pigeon's posting site.
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Re: Discussing railroad employees by name

Unread post by anumber1 »

Rodger that.

As a "rail", I really don't need the exposure.

What I do is what I do. Names and locations of "what I do" can only get me in trouble.

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Re: Discussing railroad employees by name

Unread post by GTWFRED »

anumber1 wrote:Most of the time I don't wave so not to screw up your pic.
Amend that for 1 situation anumber1; Little kids. I love to take my grandkids out to "see the trains & the engineers" (conductors,... to them their all engineers), & when 1 of you guys waves, their day is MADE, & when we get home they HAVE to tell grandma, mom & dad. Kinda like me, with my grandad taking me to watch steam engines, of course back then the conductors were on something called CABOOSES!

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Re: Discussing railroad employees by name

Unread post by Mr. Tops »

I'm not quite sure what is wrong with waving. Just personal preference I suppose. Don't think they can give you any flack for waving, as long as you use all your fingers :)

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Re: Discussing railroad employees by name (UPDATE)

Unread post by amtrakjackson »


Wouldn't you know it- last Friday I got a telephone call from management, "You'd better be careful what you Twitter (sic)..," When I asked him what he heard, he replied, "I have my sources."

I found this very curious in light of the fact that what he was referring to was my Facebook page... made up of people I *thought* I could trust. The profile was "private," therefore, someone on that list squealed. It was NOT a public forum by any means.

I Immediately deleted ALL railroad employees and railfans. No exceptions. If all it takes to "offend" or "trouble" someone, I'm done. If any of you from this board have noticed you were missing, this is why. It was nothing personal, but it had to be done. SOMEbody blew me in, someone I trusted, and it was for a most inconsequential statement; therefore I had to clean house. I have NO use for snitches OR for those who think they're "cute" by cutting and pasting statuses or other information.

I've had to resort to a posting a legal statement that must be agreed to before accepting future friend requests, and adhered to thereafter. No exceptions.

As so often in life, all it takes is one bad apple to ruin the bunch.

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Re: Discussing railroad employees by name

Unread post by pfs »

Wow, people apparently don't care or understand they are messing with ones lively-hood/career.

Hope this passes without further incident.

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Re: Discussing railroad employees by name

Unread post by hobojim »

I would have done the same thing , AJ, and felt the same way as you do.

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