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Re: Train Crew Antics "vs" Railfans

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 12:08 pm
by TrainWatcher
As I have understood the author of this, he is a very well respected railfan. Trains and Jim Wrinn should be ashamed that this is allowed on their site, and I think they'll pay dearly for it. Who wants to work with a magazine who has a staff that acts in such ways? Who wants to allow them "inside" access and then have their staff complain that their shot was ruined, because Train XYZ had a conductor that was waving at them. As I had mentioned, being the center of a similar situation (due to some fault of my own), it is never good when the Railroad, Union, and everynody else gets involved. It creates BIG problems, and heck I took quite the lashing for what I did. But, I'll own up to it and learned a VERY valuable lesson.

Re: Train Crew Antics "vs" Railfans

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 1:05 pm
by PatAzo
What a cry baby but sadly he isn’t the first to do that. If a cop showed up and told him not to photograph trains I bet he would cry loud and long about the First Amendment. But wave at him and “spoil” the picture he had planned its screw you pal your rights don’t matter.

So he got his revenge and stirred up some trouble. Think the crews in that area will give a railfan a line up now? Think they’ll toss you an employee timetable? Think they will turn a blind eye if they see you step onto the edge of railroad property? Think anyone will ever again get invited up to steps to see the latest locomotive? Heavens no, some wanna-be G.M. will send a picture into HQ. In my opinion a pompous tool puffing up his ego. Respected railfan my ass.

Re: Train Crew Antics "vs" Railfans

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 2:38 pm
by Bulby
Trying to be calm and polite as I write this... The phrase "This is why we can't have nice things" comes to mind

Seeing both sides, lets simply say it can be quite fun to mess with railfan's pictures; especially if you know them. I can't say I would turn off the ditch lights or some of that stuff, but little stuff can be something fun, and in some cases makes a good joke next time you talk to the railfan, Outright ruining photos? that's a little much.

From a photography aspect, I actually prefer the ditchlights off, it makes for more visible detail of the locomotive and reduces the "star" effect. I don't care if the cab door is open or closed. Who knows, some day, someone might want to see the details if we take a photo of the inside of the cab door? There are benefits to taking different photos, not just ones that say "WOW" when you put them up on the slide projector at railfan night.

This guy is way out of line. If he had done this to me you can bet I'd be shutting the proverbial door on railfans, and leaving the real doors wide open. If he doesn't like the crew of one train he can find a different train.

Re: Train Crew Antics "vs" Railfans

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 1:43 pm
by GP30M4216
I think a couple things are in play here. I'm not a railroader, per se, but I am a railroad professional (director of an operating railway museum), a qualified operator on said railway, and also a railfan, so I kind of see this from both points of view. I think the first thing is RESPECT. Mutual respect. Railfans absolutely 100% need to respect the railroad and those who operate it. That means no trespassing. It means staying well back from the tracks whether at a grade crossing or not. It means not doing stupid things to get the perfect photo. And if the crew operating this behemoth does something, intentional or not, to "ruin" it for a railfan, then it means the fans need to respect that it's just the way it is. Unless safety is in question, there should be no exception to this rule.

But I think crews need to respect railfanning, as well. Maybe not individual fans, but the hobby overall. Look, it's been mentioned, lots of people wouldn't want to be followed around with someone looking in on them regularly, snapping photos, etc. etc. But most of us don't work in a rolling office painted in pretty colors rolling across America. I don't think cube farms have the same appeal. Railfanning has been around for a long time and isn't likely to stop. Yes, a crew can screw with some fans, but that isn't going to make railfanning go away. And isn't concentrating on screwing up fans sort of distracting the crew from their actual job of handling a train safely over the road?

I absolutely think what these fans did was inappropriate. Bad feelings will emanate from this event for years on both sides. The fans should have demonstrated ACCEPTANCE. You're not going to get the perfect shot every time. A cloud may come along. A passing train on the close track might ruin your shot of that train on the far track. The scenic code line may be removed, or still there, depending on your perspective. :lol: YOU CAN'T DO A darn THING ABOUT IT. Not all train crews are the same. Neither are all railfans. I have tremendous respect for several railroaders who have taken the time to talk with me, teach me things, help me out. Some are friends, others strangers, but I appreciate it all the same. And if you're a fan who is interacting with railroaders while they're on the job, then the most important thing to do is ASK. Never go around thinking your entitled to anything. But I accept that not all railroaders are the same, share these interests, etc. It's the way it is. I think most of us here know this, but not all railfans are the same, either. Yes, there are idiots out there climbing on equipment, standing by the end of the ties, putting cameras between the rails, etc., but we all know that many fans aren't like that. To think that ALL railfans would write such a letter in this case is laughable.

We get all types of folks who visit our museum, and railfans form a regular part of this crowd. I have no problem showing interested fans extra equipment, specific cars, explain our operation and signal system, that sort of thing, if they are respectful and ask. But the minute someone starts to act entitled, do stupid things, act unsafely in any way, that's the end of that. I don't get less professional, but the extra opportunities go away. That doesn't mean, however, that the next time an interested fan walks through the door, this attitude continues. Our streetcars are just as photogenic as mainline freight or passenger equipment, and I recognize this.

I've been annoyed with a crew from time to time. But that's how it goes. It becomes a story for later. It's actually kind of inspiring to go back again to the same place to try to have an better experience. Just like if that one stupid Charlie Brown cloud blows in right when the train comes around the corner. RESPECT and ACCEPTANCE, and a little less stupidity.

I appreciate it every time an engineer or conductor sticks their hand out the cab window in a wave as they pass by me.

Now let me fall off my soapbox....

Re: Train Crew Antics "vs" Railfans

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 9:03 pm
by Benchedthatpiece
I read that letter on the Trains site. I told him I would have written it as well. Then I would have
set it aside for a while before tearing it up and throwing it away. Nothing good would come from
sending it in....


Re: Train Crew Antics "vs" Railfans

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 11:47 pm
by Toppysager
I just feel, a railroad worker can only harm a shot so much. So what if the doors open, or the conductor is standing on the front? One if my coolest shots was of a conductor standing on the front of an old BCRail unit in London. The guy just smiled and waved, doing his job. Honestly I've never encountered any crews interrupting my shots intentionally, unless a railfan was hassling the crew a lot, or trespassing, I don't see how this was such a frequent problem for him. Frankly, outside variables are sometimes what make our pictures stand out, and a letter to the the company was a bit of an overreaction. Honestly it's a bit surprising (in his story) that the crew was able to react so fast, recognize he was a railfan, get out on the front of the locomotive, and "destroy" the picture; seems all a bit unrealistic to me.

Anyway here's the pic

Re: Train Crew Antics "vs" Railfans

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 2:09 pm
by J T
The fact that someone would even contemplate the idea to write a letter like that blows my mind.

Re: Train Crew Antics "vs" Railfans

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 6:40 pm
by lakeshoredave
railfanning is a hobby. enjoy it. its not that big of a deal.

Re: Train Crew Antics "vs" Railfans

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 5:58 pm
by Jochs
Maybe I can find it...I have a print of a couple of engines sitting in Hanna, IN from around 1993 where the crew didn't want their picture taken and told us to go away, then the conductor blocked his face. (I should have thanked him for that, I didn't want to break my camera. :P ) I just wanted to take pics of the engines, not the people in them.