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CP Demands Corridor Clear - Residents Protest

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 1:45 am
by DelayInBlock

Re: CP Demands Corridor Clear - Residents Protest

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 8:44 am
by ~Z~
Here's an overhead view of some of the gardens that will get cleared:

Re: CP Demands Corridor Clear - Residents Protest

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 9:55 am
by jkh2cpu
Sure they want it cleared: it's on their right of way, and those structures and gardens have to put the fear of the tort lawyers into the CP management.


Re: CP Demands Corridor Clear - Residents Protest

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 11:41 am
by SousaKerry
Gee lets see, If those people weren't maintaining their gardens what would the ROW look like? Oh yeah that's right an overgrown trash filled mess like every other mainline in North America. You would think that the railroad would embrace this free property maintenance as a PR opportunity. Of coarse the lawyers are probably driving the decisions as a liability in case some fool breaks their leg stepping in a ground hog hole and sues....

When will we finally learn and fire all lawyers so society can move on.

Re: CP Demands Corridor Clear - Residents Protest

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 12:14 pm
by Saturnalia
The people who organized the gardens should have done their homework...and gotten the property line staked out. Property lines are no secret...

Re: CP Demands Corridor Clear - Residents Protest

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 10:15 pm
by redcrumbox
SousaKerry wrote: You would think that the railroad would embrace this free property maintenance as a PR opportunity.
Looking at these photos, the gardens have gone to far. How would the railroad embrace this? ... rridor.jpg ... garden.jpg ... rridor.jpg

Re: CP Demands Corridor Clear - Residents Protest

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 10:18 pm
by DelayInBlock
MQT3001 wrote:The people who organized the gardens should have done their homework...and gotten the property line staked out. Property lines are no secret...
Agreed. The point is, its private property. I wouldn't want someone making use of my private land without proper permission, even if I wasn't using it. That's like someone coming along and building a house on part of a farmer's cornfield. Private property is private property. No if's, and's or but's!

Re: CP Demands Corridor Clear - Residents Protest

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 10:21 pm
by Saturnalia
redcrumbox wrote:
SousaKerry wrote: You would think that the railroad would embrace this free property maintenance as a PR opportunity.
Looking at these photos, the gardens have gone to far. How would the railroad embrace this? ... rridor.jpg ... garden.jpg ... rridor.jpg
Oh geez...I though maybe they were just on property...but in the guage? I don't care if they're never gonna see trains again...that is cause enough for the lawyers to run in and sho them out.

Re: CP Demands Corridor Clear - Residents Protest

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 10:38 pm
by GreatLakesRailfan
I thought I saw something about this several months ago on another site (Trainorders). Apparently the corridor is being reactivated to replace another line in the area, not necessarily the light rail referenced in the article. My understanding was that there are two possible corridors that could be utilized in Vancouver, but this is the better of the two, despite the PR nightmare using it will entail (i.e. the article posted above). This would make the clean out a legitimate issue, not just the lawyers making trouble for people. You know if CP's lawyers weren't involved in the clean out from the get go, they would be once the trespassers were evicted from the property...

Re: CP Demands Corridor Clear - Residents Protest

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 10:55 pm
by J T
redcrumbox wrote:
SousaKerry wrote: You would think that the railroad would embrace this free property maintenance as a PR opportunity.
Looking at these photos, the gardens have gone to far. How would the railroad embrace this? ... rridor.jpg
:lol: Holy crap, that's bad. I was wondering what the big deal was when I looked at the link above that Zack posted. Sure, they were close to the tracks, but their placement didn't seem that intrusive. The gardens in this photo, doesn't get any more blatant than that.
“We really want to emphasize that we really want to encourage CP to respect the city and the neighbourhoods’ wishes,” he said.
Why should CP be expected to respect the wishes of the city when the city and its residents didn't respect CP's private property to begin with?

Re: CP Demands Corridor Clear - Residents Protest

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 11:00 pm
by Ypsi
CP should run a train in the middle of the night and then see how they feel :twisted:

That's about all the jokes I have the rest of the article is once again just ridiculous
“It actually means sort of a blood bath,” Ryan said, adding that the city-licensed garden was operating under the impression most of it fell on city land.
:roll: :roll: It would take about 1 look at nearly any accurate map, or 2 seconds on Google to figure out that the Railroad isn't owned by the city, and the tracks fall under the same not owned by the city group

“We really want to emphasize that we really want to encourage CP to respect the city and the neighbourhoods’ wishes,” he said.
So it's CP's yet we want them to let them have their little fun while CP still owns the land.
But CP’s Greenberg assured Metro they do indeed plan to proceed with clearing the land.
Play bad guy and run a train on august 1, anything left is crushed :twisted:

Its funny how people act like CP has no place to do then when (as far as I can tell from all of the info provided) its their tracks and ROW.

Re: CP Demands Corridor Clear - Residents Protest

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:15 am
by ConrailMan5
Locals may love biking or walking through the beautifully kept community gardens along the Arbutus corridor, but CP Rail is serious when it says it wants those and any other unauthorized structures removed by July 31.

CP wrote a letter to residents demanding they clear its property of any encroachments so it can move forward with fixing the tracks and potentially using the prime real estate to train operators or store empty cars, spokesman Ed Greenberg said Thursday.

The property has for years been used as a de facto greenway from False Creek through the "crème de la crème” neighbourhoods [b/]to the Fraser River.

That ought to tell you enough. The snobbish suburbanites with lawyers names tacked to their fridges as I remember it bring stated in an article years ago. No matter that they moved next to the tracks or that they built gardens on property that was not their own. Sometimes I wonder how people can be blissfully unaware that the world does not revolve around them. And then of course the media makes CP out to be the big bad corporation by using some selective quoting. :roll:
Regarding the condition that RR's sometimes leave the ROW in: Yes I don't always like it when NS or Amtrak maintainers thrown metal scrap and trash along the ROW outside my house. But if I don't like it ill do something about it, picking it up rather than whining and moaning about it.

Re: CP Demands Corridor Clear - Residents Protest

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 10:21 am
by SousaKerry
I based my comments on the Bing Map view, I did not realize they had actually encroached onto the the tracks themselves.

Yeah run a ballast sweeper down the track on August 1st and leave the piles for these jackasses to clean up. Mowing and maintaining the bank next to your property is one thing, what these people have done is just plain too far.

Re: CP Demands Corridor Clear - Residents Protest

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:30 pm
by James Sofonia
A Jordan spreader would do nicely on the front of the first train thru.

Re: CP Demands Corridor Clear - Residents Protest

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:36 pm
by Raildudes dad
Just run a spray truck down there spraying about 30 feet each side. Use 38% liquid calcium chloride laid on heavy. Not toxic, they need to pick their veggies quickly before they wilt, rinse and eat. I had a dust-layer truck pop a hose and flood a guys garden. Garden was a little sick looking in a few days. Came back fine the next year.

Re: CP Demands Corridor Clear - Residents Protest

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 6:10 pm
by Bulby
Pixl wrote:A Jordan spreader would do nicely on the front of the first train thru.
How about a Russel Plow, two ES44AHs, a jordan spreader, and two more ES44AHs? I think the residents would get quite the awaking. :D

Almost forgot; a following OCS consist filled will railway police officers and lawyers armed with property maps to deal with any trespassers.

Re: CP Demands Corridor Clear - Residents Protest

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 6:26 pm
by Saturnalia
Bulby wrote:
Pixl wrote:A Jordan spreader would do nicely on the front of the first train thru.
How about a Russel Plow, two ES44AHs, a jordan spreader, and two more ES44AHs? I think the residents would get quite the awaking. :D

Almost forgot; a following OCS consist filled will railway police officers and lawyers armed with property maps to deal with any trespassers.
Nah...pollute the air with some rusty ALCos.

Re: CP Demands Corridor Clear - Residents Protest

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:37 pm
by redcrumbox
Nah...pollute the air with some rusty ALCos.[/quote]

^^This^^ :D

Re: CP Demands Corridor Clear - Residents Protest

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 11:17 pm
by Bulby
Better than a diesel powered ALCO, a couple of UP 40xx series 4-8-8-4s that haven't been washed in a month and have firemen who like to choke the fire. (Remember, ALCO built the Big Boys)

Re: CP Demands Corridor Clear - Residents Protest

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 9:20 am
Pixl wrote:A Jordan spreader would do nicely on the front of the first train thru.
Bulby wrote:
How about a Russel Plow, two ES44AHs, a jordan spreader, and two more ES44AHs? I think the residents would get quite the awaking. :D

Almost forgot; a following OCS consist filled will railway police officers and lawyers armed with property maps to deal with any trespassers.
MQT3001 wrote: Nah...pollute the air with some rusty ALCos.
I'm glad you all don't work for the railroad's law and PR departments.

Maintaining some tact will go a long way in this situation. No needs to be a-holes about it.

Practice Safe CSX