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Bicycle accessory company promotes railroad trespassing

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 10:41 pm
by J T
I picked up this flyer a few weeks ago in a local bike shop. A girl posing on tracks for senior pics is one thing, but this is really taking it too far. Not only is the cyclist riding between the rails, but he's also on a trestle. :shock:

Re: Bicycle accessory company promotes railroad trespassing

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 10:52 pm
by Jochs
J T wrote:I picked up this flyer a few weeks ago in a local bike shop. A girl posing on tracks for senior pics is one thing, but this is really taking it too far. Not only is the cyclist riding between the rails, but he's also on a trestle. :shock:
They could really use that accessory on the MSRL!

Re: Bicycle accessory company promotes railroad trespassing

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 11:13 am
by DTIDave
Seems the manufacturer (or advertising company at least) needs to see the video of the recent trespasser-trestle incident in Indiana here a couple of months ago. Most people just brush it off when you say don't trespass on RR tracks, but if they see what it's like from the inside of the train how helpless the crews are when something like that happens, it might just open their eyes. If they STILL don't care... they're just greedy b@$!@^?$!!!

It's amazing how many people think "they know better". We had a photographer ask if we could open the gate so she and her photographees could to get to the trackside for some photos. We said no, it's an active rail line. Technically, even WE cannot go out there without contacting the CN dispatcher. She mumbled something under her breath, gave us a funny look, and walked all the way out to the road and around the fence, almost falling down walking along the tracks to get back to the depot anyway. The two teenagers looked at her like, uh... they just told you no and you're going to do it anyway??? Well, after taking a few shots, lo and behold what shows up? A train. Luckily the kids were smart enough to clear the track, but the ignorant photographer had to hurry and pick up all her gear. With any luck, the crew made a little phone call. I've found photographers to be the biggest culprits of trespassing and vandalizing things to make their pictures "perfect". That DOES include railfans, too...

Re: Bicycle accessory company promotes railroad trespassing

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 2:32 pm
by J T
DTIDave wrote:I've found photographers to be the biggest culprits of trespassing and vandalizing things to make their pictures "perfect". That DOES include railfans, too...
Of course it includes railfans. However, we "know better" than the average non-railfan. :lol: :wink: