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M.R and Trains Magazines

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2024 10:19 pm
by joeyuboats
Saw on the phone today, where KALMBACH MEDIA is closing its doors, and MODEL RAILROADER AND TRAINS magazines have been sold to Firecrown Media, of Chattanooga, TN.
Could sort of see this coming, as these mags were a shadow of the excellent publications they once were, but still sad to see it go this way. Like I tell my son--- nothing good lasts forever.

Re: M.R and Trains Magazines

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2024 7:04 am
In MR I liked the small and medium sized layout articles

In Trains I liked the Short Line and Regional railroad articles. I also liked when they would show a mixed freight and the orgins and destinations of each car.

Re: M.R and Trains Magazines

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2024 11:57 am
by Garry K
There are a couple of discussions about the Kalmbach sale to Firecrown Media at the Model Railroad Hobbyist discussions forums.

Kalmbach Publishing sold to Firecrown Media: ... a-13364332

Interview with Craig Fuller, new owner of Kalmbach's train publications: ... s-13374006

One would think that Firecrown wouldn't have bought Kalmbach just to kill off all of Kalmbach's publications. The speculation from the many folks who post in the above discussions is that they think that Model Railroader magazine will probably get published 4 times a year, for $11 per issue. Time will tell what will happen.

Garry K