POLL Granholm or Devos

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Granholm or DeVos

Poll ended at Mon Nov 06, 2006 11:26 am

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POLL Granholm or Devos

Unread post by Railnut »

Vote with an educated additude, not party politics..if you leave a message, let it be informed and not slander.

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Devos all the way!!!

Unread post by Mike H »

I am voting for Devos. There are a few personal things I have against Granholm, but the way she handled some specific events really upset me. I for one feel that she did not do enough to help the people of Greenville.
It’s great that Google is moving to Ann Arbor but it is too little to late. Honestly I don't credit Granholm with the fall of the auto industry (almost anyone could see that coming if you really thought about it).
I am very pro-business and I want to see this state succeed. I truly love this state and will do whatever I can to bring jobs and a great way of life to the people who live here. At this point there not much I can do other then to vote for the Devos based on what I have seen the Devos family do in my community. I have talked to Dick on multiple occasions and truly believe that he will do great things for Michigan.
Just my $.02,
Mike H

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Unread post by ~Z~ »

Dave, I've added a couple more options on this poll as I can see that this could turn into a flame war even more easily without those options.

I would have said Devos for myself, but after watching these debates and how much he reminds me of Bush, I don't think I can bring myself to vote for either of them.
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Unread post by Scooterb »

HOT POTATO HOT POTATO, I love politics and submitted my vote. Please everybody who can vote please vote thats what makes this country great, also be an informed voter. Do your research before you go to the polls or cast your vote.

Actions speak louder than words Devos for my choice,he may not come across as a good debater, but he has big business experiance and a successful business, that goes alot for him.
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Unread post by SousaKerry »

any man who can take a buisness from almost bankrupsy to $3.8billion in just online sales in 6 years has my vote, run the state like a buisness and trim the fat.
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Unread post by AARR »

Voting is like deciding who will do the least amount of harm rather than who will do the most good. I'm going with DeVos because he's pro-life, pro-home school, and has a successful track record of being pro-"Michigan" business. I have to admit though that Gov. Granholm is a dynamic speaker. I thought she looked better in the debates.
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Unread post by rsinoms »

I vote zack for governor!!!
Actully i like granholm better i know what to expect with her and i feel that Dick devos has corrupt business practices.
But i could vote for Zack in a write in, or Bugs Bunny.
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Unread post by TrainNut85 »

My 2 cents for this whole Gov. election. Granholm is one heck of a bad example. She had first promised changes before she got into office, not realizing how much debt Michigan, then when she got into office, she then said to forget the promises she had made. Basically for the most part the whole time she was in office, she hardly did a thing to help out this state. She even didn't help out the whole situation with all the schools having trouble with the budgets. Devos looks like the kind of guy that wants to help out Michigan get out of debt. He's even looking to promote job help in Michigan by getting companies to come here. We need a real person to help this state out and that person is Devos.

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Unread post by RailCanon »

I can't vote, so I chose Undecided/Not voting.
If I could vote, I would be voting for Granholm.
Why would I vote for her? I am very heavily influenced by my mother, who is probably the most liberal person any of you will ever meet.

Of course since I can't vote, my opinions don't count, so I'll stop here.
Last edited by RailCanon on Mon Oct 30, 2006 7:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Unread post by AARR »

I think this is exactly what Zach didn't want: "...the prevois idiot (Engler, who I believe was the worst governor we've ever had)."
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Unread post by tsinoms »

Don is right and engler was a republican, i think. well if you thought grandholm messed up amtrak.... think what devos will do!!! He will KILLAmtrak.
Last edited by tsinoms on Mon Oct 30, 2006 8:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Scooterb »

Gregg be informed, I know family can be a big influence but look at the previouse record.

Governor Engler has signed 32 tax cuts into law, saving taxpayers nearly $32 billion. The state inheritance tax and capital gains taxes have been eliminated. Personal exemptions for children, seniors and the disabled have been increased. The personal income tax rate is being reduced to 3.9 percent -- the lowest level in a quarter century -- and Michigan's main tax on business is being phased out completely.

Engler's economic policies have helped to create more than 800,000 jobs in Michigan, cutting the state's unemployment rate from over 9 percent the year he took office to 3.4 percent in 2000 - the lowest annual level ever recorded. For an unprecedented five years in a row, Michigan has led the nation with the most new factories and expansion projects..

The September jobless rate was 7.1 percent, the same as it was throughout the summer. The national unemployment rate last month was 4.6 percent, making Michigan's rate one of the highest in the country.

3.4 unemployment for Engler
7.1 and steady for Granholm? One of the worst in the nation

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Unread post by RailCanon »

i'm sorry i made the above comment about engler. i don't want to start a flame war.
also, trevor, i don't recall granholm has done anything bad for amtrak.

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Unread post by tsinoms »

Granholm rules ok
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Unread post by lemscate »

Obviously, the governor is directly responsible for the auto companies laying off all their workers and making manufacturers send jobs to Mexico. I mean, it's not like incompetent management and greedy unions or NAFTA has anything to do with the economy recently. Do you honestly think the governor and other elected state officials just let their consituents' jobs go away without doing anything? That ain't exactly how to become popular or re-elected. The governor didn't have the power to stop Electolux from shipping jobs away, nor can the governor force Japanese auto companies to build a plant in Michigan. All the governor can really do in that regard is modify taxes or try to persuade business owners, and I'll let you form your own opinion in that regard.

And not to single out anyone here, since that's mean, but you shouldn't go around voting for government representatives based on one or two issues that are really insignificant in the grand scheme of things. As in, "so and so is pro-life/choice," or "so and so debated more articulately." What about things that actually matter, like balancing the budget, fixing education, or protecting civil liberties and rights? Feel free to take everything into consideration, but don't base your vote on small things. I know it's hard when the mass media does its darndest to condition you into having grossly polarized beliefs about silly little things, but please try to think about what really matters.

Apparently I'm the only one who feels this way, as the poll results show me all alone. Go Libertarians! We can win this lost battle, or something..

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Unread post by Railnut »

Ok..I said if you were going to post..make your messages INFORMED and educated.. so things like
"I vote zack for governor!!!
Actully i like granholm better i know what to expect with her and i feel that Dick devos has corrupt business practices.
But i could vote for Zack in a write in, or Bugs Bunny."..this is the stupidity I was trying to avoid

Or "Don is right and engler was a republican, i think. well if you thought grandholm messed up amtrak.... think what devos will do!!! He will KILLAmtrak.
Go GRANHOLM " More uniformed stupidity.

I didn't watch the debates, mostly becasue I chose to read into the polititions actual trackrecord.
And having a bussiness man in office rather than a lawyer to rebuild this state..lawyers are worse than bussines men (unless the lawyer is both) when it comes to shady practices.
Oh..and that "plant" in china that "DeVos built"..he has 1..how many other companys in the US have plants in the far east, and how many..Amway has 1, and those products stay over there, they dont come hear.
Granholm has also decided to NOT make this election about jobs..but rather, she has decided to rile up the pro-choice zombies and beat that drum to death. Yes, a woman has the right to vote, equal education, wages..etc..but not the right to commit infanticide(err..abortion) just because she couldn't keep her pants on "oh, but being pregnant and having a child will, like, destroy my social life, like, ya know"..
My last steady job was 2003..havent had one since (a steady job).
And to the Granholm camp..STOP BLAMING BUSH FOR YOUR MISCUES!!!! Learn to take some resposibility for your actions, or lack there of. Michigan is one of only a couple states having this trouble..most other states are experiencing an economic upswing..and this is under Bush's ecominic plan..my God..it is actually working!
And for those thinking I am republican..yoiur wrong, I am a conservative, I have voted for 1 democrat in my voting record, John Epenoza(SP?)..a bloask sheep democrat who is Pro-Life, and against this same-sex crap..
Ok..nuf outa me..thanks to all who have participated..this will be up for a few more days for others.
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Unread post by SousaKerry »

rebutal to the recent add campains against DeVoss

China Plant- this plant only exsists to produce products distributed in Asia

Incorperated in Burmuda- this was done to open up markets in that area to avoid duties and taxes from imported goods.

Michigan layoffs- to my knolledge Alticor(parent company of Quixtar) has increased sales some 600% in the last 6 years and has not layed off anyone in 10 years and has added far more jobs then ever laidoff.

As for anyone who has ever thought they were messed over by Amway these shady buisness practices were not linked in anyway to the corperation, all people associated in sales for Amway are independent contractors called IBO's (Indepenant Buisness Owners) unfortunatly there were many unscrupulas people, who were in certain organizations, years ago who under their own volition were using unfair buisness practices and their buisnesses suffered from such actions. Unfortunatly they also used the name Amway as they sold the products and people associated the bad reputaion of these individuals with the distibuter.

This would be akin to a local resturant owner serving substandard food and overcharging and then blaming Sysco, or GFS for the food being bad when it was in the preperation that it was ruined.

If anyone has any doubt as to how Alticor is doing take a drive through ADA, Michigan and look at your odometer as you pass the plant for then next 10 minutes :shock:

anyways I'll get off my soapbox for now.

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Unread post by Justin »

Okay I voted for Devos. I am not one to dabate in politics but I have heared that he has helped reform parts of Grand Rapids. But regardless of who is voted in I just would like to say that I love Michigan and I don't want to move anywhere else. I believe that Michigan is just in a bad state right now but it will get better. Some say the good things must end. I say bad things will end and good things will follow. Thats my insight on things.
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