How will Hostess Closing affect Rail Traffic?

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Re: How will Hostess Closing affect Rail Traffic?

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If the NHL revenues included licensing and merchandise then the league is Still generating revenues. Just not of TV or ticket sales. So the league isn't making all the money they could be but there is a revenue stream coming in.

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Re: How will Hostess Closing affect Rail Traffic?

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Re: How will Hostess Closing affect Rail Traffic?

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And here I thought you were posting hockey had reached an agreement. That's a bigger let down than Showgirls on basic cable.

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Re: How will Hostess Closing affect Rail Traffic?

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Just because you give into the company's demand for concessions does not mean that they are not going to close the doors anyways AND still blame the union. I've been around and have seen it happen on more then one occasion . Is it right ? Nope. But who ever is calling the shots will still walk away with a sh**ton of money and open up somewhere else with new workers making the same products for less money. The guy who owns the bridge to Canada is known for that practice as well as others. As a side note , this thread has really been DERAILED.

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Re: How will Hostess Closing affect Rail Traffic?

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Re: How will Hostess Closing affect Rail Traffic?

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In this day and age of paid vacations, 40 HR work weeks, decent wages, etc all standard, is a Union even necessary in this day and age?

Debate amongst yourselves.

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Re: How will Hostess Closing affect Rail Traffic?

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Last edited by Typhoon on Sat Nov 24, 2012 1:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: How will Hostess Closing affect Rail Traffic?

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MQT3001 wrote:Hostess was not brought down by the union in full, but it was the final blow. Thing is, the union screwed themselves by not giving into demand. They knew the company was about to sink. They, as always, point to upper-level raises, but those are for retainment, and if you spread those out to all the union employees, it's not going to raise their wages much, if any.
The union was not fighting for a raise. The union was fighting to not have their pay cut for the second time in 3 years, big difference.

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Re: How will Hostess Closing affect Rail Traffic?

Unread post by ConrailMan5 »

CSX_CO wrote:In this day and age of paid vacations, 40 HR work weeks, decent wages, etc all standard, is a Union even necessary in this day and age?

Debate amongst yourselves.

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Re: How will Hostess Closing affect Rail Traffic?

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ConrailMan5 wrote:
CSX_CO wrote:In this day and age of paid vacations, 40 HR work weeks, decent wages, etc all standard, is a Union even necessary in this day and age?

Debate amongst yourselves.

Practice Safe CSX
The moment you take it away, the big wigs will try to abuse it
I agree with CRMan5. It seems to me that those at the top of any organization, whether it be business, politics, religion, even non-profits and unions, must face many temptations to abuse their power at the expense of the people who trust them because it happens on a regular basis. I like for us "little people" to have a way to correct them and employees organizing can be an effective method.

The people at Hostess have spoke, they chose to close their company and now must live with the consequences. But at least they had a choice in the matter and were not subject to the CEO deciding without their input.
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Re: How will Hostess Closing affect Rail Traffic?

Unread post by CSX_CO »

ConrailMan5 wrote: The moment you take it away, the big wigs will try to abuse it
Perhaps. But look at Honda, Subaru, and a host of other companies that are not Union, who pay their workers a good wage, have good working conditions, benefits, etc. Heck, Magnum Force works in a non-Union shop and from what I gather, loves it. I've talked to people who work for Subaru and love it. They are treated with respect, dignity, and the company knows that by doing that, you're going to attract quality people to your organization. The Union wants us 'working class' to think without them we'd have nothing. I see plenty of 'white collar' workers out there who do just fine without Union Representation.

So, in this day and age, if you don't supply people with those things (diginity and give them a good wage) two things will happen: 1.) you won't get people to work for you -or- 2.) you're going to get the people who will do shoddy work and end up costing the company more in the long run.

While I enjoy 'union protection' I just see them as another entity out to get my money, and used only when I have to go to 'court' for something that has happened. I can get a lawyer on retainer for 1/3rd of what I pay in Union dues a year. They don't listen to me and what I want when it comes to the contract. My two local chair people fleeced the company, through unethical actions and downright lying, and because of their actions I've lost 3 slots of seniority it will take me 20 years to get back. They were making more than a Division Manager, were told by the membership to 'cut it out' and the company cut the jobs. Now, they enjoy 'income protection' because the jobs were cut. Are you f*@%ing kidding me? Worse yet? They're PAID to represent me and do this stuff. If I don't pay my Union dues, I get threatening letters, etc. I request to transfer to the UTU-YM and because they didn't send me the paper work, they tell me their going to black ball me in the Union because I haven't transfered. Then they demand 3 months back dues because I have been 'working unrepresented'. Um...excuse me? I paid my dues to the BLE, its not MY fault you didn't get me the paperwork to transfer. I did my part, someone in YOUR organization didn't do theirs. Quickest, and about only way to get the UTU Conductor LC to answer the phone is to leave a message saying "I don't know what happened, but I don't see them taking my dues out last month." Its all about money.

Union Representation is a service I HAVE to pay for, and have no say what-so-ever in what they do with my money. I can choose to shop at a store (or chose not to shop at a store) because of how they run their business or their values. My Union leaders get convicted of Fraud, Embezzlement, Racketeering, and I just have to keep paying into the corrupt organization and someone else steps in. They protect the horrible employees right along side the 'good' ones. The Unions have lost the vision they had in the early 1900's to really improve working conditions, workers rights, etc. Now, its just a big Political Action Committee that can go head to head with the other lobbyists. A few years ago there was a serious attempt made by a hedge fund to buy out CSX and fleece the living hell out of it. BLE said "We've read what they want to do, and there is no way this is going to benefit our membership." UTU came out and said "There HAS to be a change at CSX, and we support this hedge fund." The FIRST thing they were going to do was cut labor and cut maintenance because they said those were the two biggest expenses at CSX and needed to go. Thank GOD that attempt was thwarted because I would have probably been on the street. Did they even consider the consequences? Or are they just so anti-corporation they were fully willing to sign their own death certificate? That is the kind of ignorance the Unions display today, and I HAVE to pay for that ignorance or I can't work here. How is that right?

So, since the Unions have lost sight of what they were created for in the first place, are they really necessary? When was there a labor leader that people actually 'feared'? Jimmy Hoffa? Even then the organization was rife with corruption. Look what happened to him, they're still trying to find what's left of him. Unions paved the way for the 'standards' working class people expect in this country. For that I am grateful. For the direction they are taking this country now, I really think they've failed to evolve with the times.

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Re: How will Hostess Closing affect Rail Traffic?

Unread post by AARR »

You make good points CSX which is why I believe employees should not be forced to join unions but have the choice. In other words two workers are side by side, one wants union representation and the other does not. I realize that brings up a myriad of other dilemma's though. I don't have all the answers... :|
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Re: How will Hostess Closing affect Rail Traffic?

Unread post by CSX_CO »

AARR wrote:You make good points CSX which is why I believe employees should not be forced to join unions but have the choice. In other words two workers are side by side, one wants union representation and the other does not. I realize that brings up a myriad of other dilemma's though. I don't have all the answers... :|
I don't know how the UAW works, but for the railroad at least the Union is your only 'recourse' when discipline is assessed. I don't know if other places hold 'investigations' into what happened or if its just a railroad thing. If I screw up, I have to go through the Union for the process. If I don't, then whatever findings the company comes up with, is my fate. With the Union they'll 'fight' to get you your job back. That is what is unfortunate about the railroad, that makes a Union a 'necessity'. Also, the main reason why I view my dues as keeping a lawyer on retainer. Its a double edged sword on the railroad, because of the discipline, you need the Union, but you have the discipline because you can't 'weed out' the bad employees if they screw up.

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Re: How will Hostess Closing affect Rail Traffic?

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To some this is better news than world peace and the end to homelessness :lol: ... -1C8161026
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Re: How will Hostess Closing affect Rail Traffic?

Unread post by Tom »

Awesome. The best part is all those hoarded Twinkies people are trying to sell on Ebay will be worthless. Serves 'em right. I couldn't find a single one after the announcement.

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Re: How will Hostess Closing affect Rail Traffic?

Unread post by AARR »

Went by the Toledo plant Thursday and today. Looks like its being used and truck activity but no rail cars :(
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Re: How will Hostess Closing affect Rail Traffic?

Unread post by Saturnalia »

J T wrote:Crap, I just realized something....


Never fear, they're coming back! July 15th! ... p=features

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