The Ohio Division Story

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The Ohio Division Story

Unread post by CG Tower »

With the discussion of Moonville, I figured you all may find this interesting. Some of you have seen this on other lists...but I am pretty sure I've never posted it here. Old age you know... :D

A bit of grandparents lived in Jackson we would drive by Chillicothe and saw the Parkersburg Subdivision operations regularly. I was introduced to railroading on this line and the Portsmouth Branch that left the main line at Hamden. I had, for years, heard stories as to the why...but finally, through connections, I was able to interview Chessie Vice President William (Bill) Howes, Jr. who was present at the decision making meeting.

Here is our dialogue, re-written into a narrative format, which I hope makes sense:

"It was the end of the fiscal year, 1985, John Snow, who was then President of the Chessie System and John Collinson, Chairman of the Board for Chessie, called all of the VP's together to discuss where the company was financially. Well, the numbers weren't very pretty and the operations department was in the red. Ron Drucker, the VP of Operations, quickly surmised that the Parkersburg "branch" (as it was called) would be a logical way to make up the difference. Drucker had obviously put some time into this as he then began to spew data, numbers, run times, etc...,he came prepared to make a solid argument for this line's demise. Drucker’s plan was to divert the traffic, lay off most train crews, Maintenance of Way, Signal Department and all terminal and clerical staffs. Gradually the line would die, and they could rip it out. This not only made up the operation budget deficit, but Drucker pointed immediately to the fact that they could continue to make a better profit by avoiding the operations nightmare that was the Parkersburg Sub (more on that in a bit).

In my (Eric's) research, my first question was, why was this line always referred to as a "branch"? By this time, summer 1985, traffic was down to four through trains or so per day via Parkersburg and Chillicothe, (two of course being pig trains), most freight traffic, even at this time, was routed via Pittsburgh and across Ohio. The concept of a “main line” seemed to be reserved for describing a route for the primary traffic line that ran up and over Sand Patch. Plus, if one traces back the history of this line, it was indeed just a branch line operation and engineered as such in it's building, it was only after the line was strung together with the Marietta and Cincinnati (B&O Ohio Division) and the Ohio and Mississippi (B&O St. Louis Division), when this line became viable as a major route.

Back to the “meeting”, at this point, when Drucker announced his plan, the new Marketing VP, Jim Hagan, nearly lost his cookies. He had been with Chessie just a little over a year and was still getting used to the culture. They (the marketing folks) were not prepared for this plan and had nothing in terms of data to defend keeping the line. Snow looked at Hagan for the facts, to which he could provide none in lieu of no data, other then the obvious fact that this move would destroy the St. Louis piggyback traffic (which it did).

It's interesting to note that Chessie System was really not that big into intermodal, period. Chessie's bread and butter was coal and manifest and in particular, auto parts. In fact some at Chessie felt TOFC was less important then general merchandise traffic. It is only after CSX evolved, it was the folks on the Seaboard side that was really driving the intermodal needs. We also had the change in global economy that proved that TOFC/COFC was a viable option. In fact, it was auto parts traffic that was the primary reason this part of the former B&O (from Clarksburg west to Chillicothe) was given some TLC in 1963 (after the C&O merger). Clearances were raised accommodate high cubes and some auto racks but not necessarily for TOFC traffic. The tunnels were raised to 17' 2", but not the needed 20' 8" for stacks (again, TOFC was the rage until stacks became more of a rage), this also worked for high cube and most auto racks of the day. However, the tunnel enlargements were about it. Some curves were eased, but these were the real operations issue (not the grades). In fact, Chessie even had many problems with grain trains in high cube hopper cars because of harmonic issues with jointed rail, these concerns led to numerous slow orders and caveats in operations (i.e. if a train can not exceed 24 mph then speed must reduced back to 15 between MP XX to MP XX). My research shows that there were several 6 degree curves and one 7 degree curves between Clarksburg and Parkersburg. The Ohio side was a bit better except for the 8 degree curve on the Ohio University campus in Athens. But, what is an interesting twist of irony, it was during the 1963's upgrade when people saw that the traffic could be rerouted over longer routes and still have respectable transit times, perhaps the seed was planted early?

Back to the "big table meeting", you have the realists in the operating department in the facts, and the prognosticators in marketing saying that it's our best guess that we'll get clobbered in the St. Louis market. Snow, being the accountant, went with the numbers. No one seemed to cared that TOFC would get slaughtered, they wanted a clear bottom line. This was the beginning of the end. With Marketing not given a chance to defend and operations with the numbers, it was going to be a tough line to save. Indeed, the TOFC traffic did get slaughtered, and the route up and over Ohio added, at times, days to a cars schedule. It was a disaster in the making but no one appeared to be concerned.

After the line closure, the TOFC traffic, which was the pride of the line, (with names such as the St Louis Trailer Jet and the Manhattan Trailer Jet), dried up when rerouted up and over Ohio. This routes closure, to some, ended St. Louis as a viable gateway for intermodal traffic to and from the east coast ports. The irony of all of this is only after CSX spent it's money on Conrail are we seeing this begin to change. Plus, as the 1980's moved into the 90's CSX was trying to consolidate gateways to the west. At the early part of the 1990's, CSX had four gateways: Chicago, St. Louis, Memphis and New Orleans. Chicago was an obvious choice, the other was New Orleans. So again, St. Louis was allowed to fizzle out. Add to all of this the changes in global market, the slow down of domestic auto sales in the 1980's and the conditions were ripe for abandonment. Rail banking had not become as "vogue" as it is today.

So while it is perceived that the line was axed quickly, the operations numbers tell a tale that the line had declined for years (even perhaps as early as the 1960's when the original reroutes took place for the improvements). I am not letting CSX (actually Chessie System) off the hook for it's abandonment, but the numbers were not in the lines favor. There was little local traffic really any place between Chillicothe and Parkersburg (the exception of the Portsmouth Branch at Hamden, which slowly lost traffic to trucks because Chessie started retreating on service at this location), the tough operating conditions east of Parkersburg and the downturn of the economy all lead toward the result we see. It's also worth noting that the 1985 elimination of through traffic on the St. Louis main line in West Virginia was accompanied by the elimination of through traffic via Benwood Junction, south of Wheeling. Three of the four B&O routes that had once served Benwood/Wheeling were later abandoned. The Benwood Junction engine terminal, which had once been among the busiest on the B&O, was shut down when the through traffic was rerouted. During the next ten years, its structures were gradually demolished until only the coaling tower was left standing in an otherwise vacant field. It was demolished in February 1996.

Perhaps what is most troubling to people is how rapidly the line closure unfolded. The August 2nd, 1985 Jackson (Ohio) Journal Herald carried the head line: “B&O Stops Through Train Service through the Area”, the article goes on to say that local service was to continue, but all through traffic had ended the day before (Aug 1st 1985). Union representatives had been contacted the same day as one of the last through trains wheels cooled in Chillicothe yards. The Union was blindsided by all accounts. One person was told as he went to check his call status, “We stopped running trains over your line yesterday.” More then anything, it seems the railroads quick action toward the employees is what’s troubling most.

In retrospect, many CSX operations people I’ve interviewed do lament about this lines removal. One operations person, who was a regional manager at the time, went so far as saying that they were hasty and that they didn’t think it through, and that it was a mistake they proceeded in the way they did. Was it a mistake? Perhaps it's hard to tell. With the ongoing change in the eastern rail scene it is likely the line could have survived, at least for a while. CSX gained a far better route to St. Louis when buying Conrail, but as we know the cost was staggering."

I hope this helps put some things into context. I have about 40 pages of notes, emails, etc from operations people...I take their word more so then urban legends.

Eric at CG Tower
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Re: The Ohio Division Story

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Also a source of frustration was the fact that no more then 2 years before the shut down, the line had been converted from APB signalling to full CTC. The line, with that added feature had become quite fluid. There are alot of other little tidbits to add if the discussion warrants it.

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Re: The Ohio Division Story

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Great read... Glad you're still hanging around, CG.
Bottom text.

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Re: The Ohio Division Story

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Indeed they truly swept in with the news of the through traffic being removed. One of my patients was a brakeman on the last westbound SLTT into Chillicothe. As he was getting off the caboose he was told of the meeting that evening at the Chillicothe Holiday Inn. Y@ his brother still is with CSX as an engineer out of Cincinnati.

They did quite a bit of track work in the last few years also.

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Re: The Ohio Division Story

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Thanks for posting, CG!

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Re: The Ohio Division Story

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Very interesting.

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Re: The Ohio Division Story

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A few things to consider...

The line was 194 miles from Cincinnati to 1984, the last train schedule book I have, the PHTT (Philadelphia Trailer Jet) was scheduled to depart Cincinnati at 8:35 in the Chillicothe at 11:20 and into Belpre (Parkersburg) by 1:55 pm...a 5 hour, 20 minute run, or an average speed of 36.5 miles per hour. This was over some of the toughest pieces of railroad in Ohio east of Chillicothe.

1981 saw CTC installed from Belpre to Chillicothe, with removal of two redundant sidings. This also replaced the Absolute Permissive Block signalling (APB) system that had been in place since the 1930's.

By 1984, the entire line from Belpre to Cincinnati was CTC.

1985 the traffic was gone...

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Re: The Ohio Division Story

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What is the name of the web site with pictures from this line?

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Re: The Ohio Division Story

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Re: The Ohio Division Story

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WARNING...visiting this site will cause profound depression. At least it does for me...

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Re: The Ohio Division Story

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A few more comments (sorry, I am obsessed with this line). As you look through photos on Dave Dupler's site, you may see shots like this.


Something look odd?

Yes, it's a CPL signal with a number plate, found at a siding switch, also notice the bottom marker and the odd light to the side. Some explanation...

This line, prior to 1982, was Absolute Permissive Block equipped. This was known as "poor man's CTC" and worked with a series of "directional circuits" that basically lined the route signal wise for the move. These circuits would "tumble down" in front of a train preventing an opposing move (I know confusing, here is a web site that explains it better: ). However, this system did not line switches...nor did it give movement authority, this was still done via train orders and clearance forms. Such a system is actually still in use on CSX across southern Indiana...

Back to the image...if a train were ordered to meet a train there, they would approach the signal, which would be clear. The head end brakeman would hope off and throw the switch. The signal would then respond by going to "medium approach" into the siding, (diagonal yellow over bottom white marker)...train would enter siding, rear end crew would then re-route the switch for the main.

Because of the directional nature of the circuitry, the crew would have to operate a button at the other end of the siding, clearing the route for the opposing move. The opposing train would then receive clear signals.

After the train cleared, the train in the siding would unlock the switch, and, the dwarf signal would show "medium clear" (or an indication appropriate to the block conditions)...

Such is APB!

Now the other odd little light is an indicator for a dragging equipment detector. Basically, if it was flashing, stop the train and call the dispatcher.

Sorry, your signal information overload for a Sunday.

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Re: The Ohio Division Story

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Didn't Chessie install talking detectors on this line also?

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Re: The Ohio Division Story

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Yes, by 1984 the DD's were "talkers". I rode a fan trip down from Columbus to Cincinnati back when the Ohio Railway Museum and Chessie ran such trips. I heard them between Midland City and Queensgate on the Chillicothe Subdivision side of things.


cbehr91 wrote:Didn't Chessie install talking detectors on this line also?
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Re: The Ohio Division Story

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CG, once the line was CTC'd, where were the dispatchers located? For that matter, was it the same location as before the CTC?

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Re: The Ohio Division Story

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Prior to CTC, the line was dispatched from the dispatchers offices in Chillicothe, and by dispatching, since it was APB, this was really issuing train orders to the towers that dotted the line. With the advent of CTC, the control was moved to the Chessie System Ohio Division Dispatching Center at Parsons Yard in Columbus. A fellow list member and I spent many hours at this office and befriended one of the former B&O dispatchers, a colorful fellow name G.D. "Shag" Ulen.

In addition, Grosvenor Tower, and "BK" at West Jct were open until CTC cut over, around 1982.

Eric at CG

cr6903 wrote:CG, once the line was CTC'd, where were the dispatchers located? For that matter, was it the same location as before the CTC?
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Re: The Ohio Division Story

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I live in Athens. Granted I'm 15 so I missed most all of this, but it's still painful to see what happened. Dave's site is great, he's a very nice guy in person too. At least we have our Secondary, and its grand total of 0-3 trains per day!
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Re: The Ohio Division Story

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Dave's site has provided hours of research for me...thank him for his efforts!

Pie39 wrote:I live in Athens. Granted I'm 15 so I missed most all of this, but it's still painful to see what happened. Dave's site is great, he's a very nice guy in person too. At least we have our Secondary, and it's grand total of 0-3 trains per day!
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Re: The Ohio Division Story

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There also was a detector just east of Thrifton

cbehr91 wrote:Didn't Chessie install talking detectors on this line also?

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Re: The Ohio Division Story

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The Amtrak Shenandoah (33/32) had a blistering schedule across the line...

Westbound 33, Daily:

Dep Parkersburg: 0432
Dep Athens: 0522
Dep Chillicothe: 0637
Arr: Cincinnati: 0853

4 hours, 23 minutes, including stops to cover 194 miles.

44.25 miles per hour average speed.

Eastbound 32, Daily, did slightly better: 46 mph...


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Re: The Ohio Division Story

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Only about 50 minutes from P-burg to Athens? Wow, it's just a little faster by car!
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