Banning Ringling Bros. in GR

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Notch 8
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Re: Banning Ringling Bros. in GR

Unread post by Notch 8 »

I like animals.. medium rare and with a baked potato ! Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."
I say let's talk about railroads that are in Michigan and nobody is forced to go to the Circus !

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Re: Banning Ringling Bros. in GR

Unread post by amtrak1007 »

for the record, the animals live better than the acts or the crew does... this from several lighting directors I've worked with over the years from Ringling bros...

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Re: Banning Ringling Bros. in GR

Unread post by BerkshireKid »

Hey... PETA aint bad! I'm a fully supporting member of it!

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Re: Banning Ringling Bros. in GR

Unread post by 12Bridge »

Sheltering & Feeding Vets and Homeless is a much bigger issue to me then worrying about the darn circus, but that's just me.

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Re: Banning Ringling Bros. in GR

Unread post by J T »

After they ban circuses, are county fairs next on the list?
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Re: Banning Ringling Bros. in GR

Unread post by hoborich »

Thank god we still have dwarf tossing...............I think. Can we still say "midgets"?
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Re: Banning Ringling Bros. in GR

Unread post by C&O6084 »

Wow, I went dwarf bowling in Downey, CA back in the 80's. Only time I bowled over a 150. Got a perfect 300. It was a Hell of a lot of fun, even if you didn't include the beer.

And saw a pair of EssPee SDP45 locos on the way home afterwards.

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Re: Banning Ringling Bros. in GR

Unread post by trainerd »

So I guess GR is out for Sigfreid and Roy, huh? No SeaWorld either? Can we still have the flea circus? Please!

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