Layout Update and Signal Sytem Progress

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Layout Update and Signal Sytem Progress

Unread post by Justin »

I just spent the past weekend cleaning up my layout from all the junk sitting on there from the construction. I also finished up some of the circuitry for the signal system and iplemented them into the layout for testing and operation. As I mentioned before my signal system is going to be completely automatic, even the interlocking signals. Now before I said I was going to have them all approach lit but now I am only going to approach light intermediates. With my signals being automatic it will require less wiring to the control panel, and will allow me more time to run my trains without having to worry about throwing another switch to clear a signal. Signals are controlled by block detectors and/or turnout relays. The system will mock that of CTC Single Track Territory.

I also installed three more signals at another interlocking but have not put in the circuits yet so they just sit there dark for now. To top that off I found some trees and threw them on there to add a little touch of scenery.

To illustrate my progress here is some pics that I snapped:

New Signals installed at the diamonds ... ID=5483689 ... ID=5483720 ... ID=5483690

Now to illustrate the signal system:

First we show the facing point signal at an interlocking I will call West End Loop or WE Loop. This is the junction of the main line and the start of the reverse loop track. In this pic the facing point signal is at a stand by mode: ... ID=5483721

Next are the Trailing Point signals the main also shows a clear during stand by mode and the dwarf shows a stop. This is because the setting of the switch is against the loop track: ... ID=5483719 ... ID=5483722

Stand By mode quickly changes when an eastbound train is on its way. Here the main line trailing point goes to red: ... ID=5483723
Then an eastbound stone train races by: ... ID=5483724
with its hoppers hopping about:
[ ... ID=5483725

Our next westbound is an intermodal train with trailers from semi's. ... ID=5483692
Assembling its train ... ID=5483726 ... ID=5483727 ... ID=5483728

After our intermodal clears the turnout at WE Loop is reversed for a power wye. The facing point signal now displays a Med. Appr. Med. ... ID=5483729

Next another eastbound is assigned to run around the loop but a stone train arrives first and has to stop. Seen here slowing in advance of the signal: ... ID=5483693

Stopped at the signal: ... ID=5483730

With a Stop and Stay: ... ID=5483694
This stone train isn't going anywhere with a Stop and Stay.

To make all this work I had to constuct and build the circuitry. I could have bought all the circuitry but I built it myself for a few reasons; one I didn't go to ITT for nothing, two this way I can custom build the circuits for my layout, and three it is a lot cheaper than buying them.

Heres what I call the Brains of the Operation: ... ID=5483731 ... ID=5483732

Not all of the detectors are in place, I still need to construct the remaining circuits. Also too not all of the signals are fully functional due to the lack of these detectors. The system is still in the works but looks to be something worth putting the effort into. I will keep all of you updated. If you want to go directly to updates visit my website, but I will still post updates to my layout here as well. Sorry if some of the pics are blurry.
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My website, dedicated to my layout, "The Fast Lane" (still under construction)

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Unread post by CAT345C »

Holy cow you built that circuit board and it works?!?!?! SHEET your good. Did you go to school for electronics? Bravo
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Unread post by Justin »

Yep I built it and it works! I say the same thing when I finish a circuit. Was at ITT in Grand Rapids for two years majoring in Computer and Electronics Engineering Technology.
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Unread post by Racer »

Your having too much fun Justin! :lol: I hope my layout's wiring will be easy because I'm not great at that type of wiring AT ALL.
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Unread post by Justin »

Well Chris I got the easy wiring done, now I get to the challenging and fun stuff. My hope is to have not only a layout but a miniture railroad signals and all. Just wait till I install lights for night runs that come on when it is dark and will go off during the day, not to mention the railroad crossing circuits and blinking towers, and well I could go on forever. It will be authentic and interesting for a 4' x 14' layout.
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Unread post by Justin »

Finished up some more detector circuits yesterday and will be able to complete some more signal installations including a couple of intermediates. These will be approach lit and once installed and online I will get some pics and video of these in action. Still got a lot of work to do even though the signal system is about half way complete.
My train pictures can now be found at:

And my train videos at:

My website, dedicated to my layout, "The Fast Lane" (still under construction)

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